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The Crucible can be seen as an allegory based upon the context under which it was written. At the time, Arthur Miller sought to make a political criticism of the McCarthy trials in their efforts to find Communist spies in America. However, given the political climate, Miller used the story of the Salem witch trials as an allegory to represent the scapegoat nature of human fear and how it related to the trials going on in his own time.

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Q: Is the crucible an allegory
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What is the allegory in the play The Crucible?


What was the name of the play he wrote that was an allegory about mccarthyism?

The Crucible

Of what genre is The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Tragedy, allegory

Salem Witch Trials and The Crucible?

The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller in which he mangled facts and theories about the trials to create an allegory to McCarthyism in the 1950s.

Why is The Crucible by Arthur Miller not an allegory?

The Crucible is not an allegory, although many mistake it to be for obvious reasons. The Crucible was written, in part, because Arthur Miller (the playwright) was angered at his friend during The Red Scare. His friend, Kahn, reported a list of government names who were taking inside steps towards communism. Miller, upset at his good friends false accusations, wrote The Crucible shortly after.However, the Crucible's characters are almost historically accurate, three dimensional characters, two aspects rarely found in allegory. Crucible is often read to learn about the destructive nature of man and what reputation and greed can do to and/or for a person.

What is an example of an allegory?

The Crucible and The Wizard of Oz are allegories. An allegory represents ideas or principles in any piece of written liturature. Plato's "Allegory of the Cave"

How is the crucible an allegory play?

yes, in fact it is. The Crubible is an allegory to McCarthyism, how people were accused, in this case people accused for whichcraft and lacked knowledge to believe they were true. You see this in McCarthyism, aslo.

Could mccarthysim be considered a witch hunt?

Yes. In fact, the "Crucible" by Henry Miller was an allegory for the McCarthy trials.

How are the Salem witch trails related to The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

The correct way to phrase the question is "How is the Crucible related to the Salem Witch Trials." More important and/or older event first. The Crucible is a play that mangles facts and theories about the trials to create an allegory to 1950s McCarthyism.

Arthur Miller's dramatic portrayal of Salem leading up to the witch trials?

Miller's play is titled "The Crucible." Is not a factual history of the event, but a mangling of facts and theories about the trials to create an allegory to 1950s McCarthyism.

Why would Arthur miller title a play based on the Salem witch trials The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Miller was trying to make an allegory to McCarthyism. The Salem witchcraft scare was easy to manipulate to create the result he wanted and was distant enough from McCarthyism he could talk his way out of a sedition lawsuit or being called out as a communist.

What is One major difference in Salem witch trials and The Crucible?

Do You mean the Crusades? Well The Salem witch Trials were mostly for liberal woman while the crusades target was anyone who didnt accept catolisism, mostly the Muslims. EDIT: They meant the play written about the Salem Witch Trials. I have to tell you that most of what is in the Crucible is a fabrication for the purpose of Miller's allegory. Most of it differs greatly from the actual events. The Crucible changed ages and combined characters into a single one.