

Is the cytoskeleton found in animal cell or plant?

Updated: 8/16/2022
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9y ago

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The cytoskeleton is found in both plant and animal cells.

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Rubye Mante

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1y ago
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Q: Is the cytoskeleton found in animal cell or plant?
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Is the cytoskeleton found in an animal cell?

Yes. Animal cells do have cytoskeleton

Is cytoskelton a plant cell or animal cell?

Cytoskeleton is in both plant and animal cells.

Is the cytoskeleton found in plants or animals if so what kinds?

it is found in both animal and plant cell, all of them

Is endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus mitochondria cell membrane cell wall vacuole and cytoskeleton found in plant or animal cells?

This is a plant cell. Animal cells have no walls

Is the cytoskeleton in animal and plant cells?

The cytoskeleton is what holds the cell together and helps it multiply.

How does a plant and animal cell use its cytoskeleton?

The cytoskeleton like an extra cell wall and helps the cell keep its shape.

Where in a plant cell is the intermediate filament found?

In the cytoskeleton

Are cell junctions found between plant cells only?

No, they can be found in animal cells and attach in the cytoskeleton and also attach in membrane proteins

Is a cytoskeleton a plant cell or animal cell?

its skeleton cell with lung sort of shape instead of nucleus

What is the function of structure of a cell?

Animal cells have cytoskeleton for their structure. Plant cells have cell walls. The function of the cell wall or cytoskeleton is to keep the cell in its shape and to keep it from squishing.

What cell support and protects?

Plant cells have a cell wall to support and protect them. They also have a cytoskeleton. Animal cells only have the cytoskeleton since they do not have a cell wall.

Which structures of the cytoskeleton are found in animal cells but not in plant cell?

In animal cells, organelles called centrioles are formed from tubulins. Centrioles are located near the nucleus and help organize cell division