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Nope. The equator is the line formed by all points on Earth with zero latitude.

It crosses all longitudes.

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Q: Is the equator a line of longitude that runs around the middle of earth?
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Related questions

What is the Name the line in the middle of the earth?

The equator or any line of longitude or meridian.

What is the name of the imaginary line in the middle of earth?

The equator or any line of longitude or meridian.

What is a line around the earth with all points equidistant from the equator?

All lines of Longitude are perpendicular to the Equator.

Is the equator an imaginary line around which the earth rotates?

The equator is an imaginary line which indicates where the middle of the earth is and it goes around.

The imaginary line around the middle of the earth?

the equator is the imaginary line around the earth.

Where is the equator located on the world map?

the equator is located around the middle of the earth on the world map.

How many degrees does the equator have?

The Equator is the latitude line with a given value of 0-degrees. There Equator runs completely around the Earth. There are 360-longitude lines that intersect the Equator.

What is the significance of equator?

The equator is the exact middle of the earth. The earth is a sphere, so if you imagine a line stretching all the way around the middle of the earth. That's the equator. You can't physically see it, there's no physical line there.

What is the name of the on a map that circle the middle of the earth?


Imaginary line around the middle of earth?

The line your referring to is the Equator.

What is the meaning of lontitude?

Assuming you meant longitude - it's the distance travelled around the Earth, parallel to the equator.

What is the line of latitude at 0 degrees around the middle of the globe called?

The line of latitude at 0 degrees is the equator. 0 degrees= middle both ways.To remember longitude from latitude and latitude from longitude remember this:longitude: LONG... up and down... North and Southlatitude: lat.. flat... side to side... East and West