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There is no real evidence of the loch ness monster, but it is thought to dwell in loch ness in Scotland. I was thinking you meant "Is the existence of loch ness monster proven?" If you asked about the lake, yes.

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Q: Is the existence of loch ness proven?
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Was the loch ness monster captured?

The Loch Ness Monster is a cryptid, meaning it is an animal who's existence has not been proven. This creature, should it exist, has not been captured.

What is the classification loch ness monster?

The Loch Ness monster comes under the classification of cryptid. It is an animal whose existence has not been proven or disproved. There is no scientifically correct classification.

What proof do you have of the loch ness monster?

Loch Ness monster is supposedly an unknown type of giant animal living in a Scottish lake Of Ness. Loch means lake. There are reported sightings but no concrete evidence of its existence. Some of the photographic presented was proven fake and some are in conclusive.

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The yacumama is a sea creature much like the Loch-ness monster. Its existence cannot be proven or disproven.

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We don't know if Nessie was really "seen," as real existence has not been proven. The last claimed sighting was in 2007.

Is the loch ness monster a myth or a legend?

it can usually be a Legend Because Plesiosaurs are actually Gone EXTINCT but this Loch ness monster is seriously a Plesiosaurus.This reptile has actually Survived.....And Please Believe in the loch ness monster....

How can you catch the loch ness monster?

The Loch Ness Monster has never been proven to exist so you can't catch it.

About how old is the Loch Ness Monster?

As there is no definitive evidence that the Loch Ness Monster is real, estimates of its age are as speculative as it existence.

If no dinosaurs live in the ocean now what about the Loch Ness Monster?

The Loch Ness Monster has not been scientifically proven yet to exist.

Are people against loch ness monster?

As there is no evidence of its existence, there are people who believe the Loch Ness Monster is purely a myth or hoax.

Is cryptozoology a job?

It's a pseudoscience. Practically it's a search for animals whose existence has not been proven like Yeti or Loch Ness Monster.

What did sciencetist call the loch ness monster?

There is no scientific proof of the existence of the Loch Ness Monster, so the scientific community in general views this creature as a myth. It would come under the category of "cryptids", animals and plants that have not been proven to exist or not exist.