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i think that the fact that Haiti is so poor is a factor because if the UK was in an earthquake zone , we would buy lots of food and equipment to prepare, since Haiti is so poor they can't do that.

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Q: Is the fact that haiti is so poor a factor?
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Why are people in haiti so poor?

Techinally, people in Haiti are poor. But this is for many reasons. And the main reason is because all the hurricanes, earthquakes, and ect. So, people need to stop saying is poor, because in fact people in haiti are suffering threw alot of stuff. Imagine you living on a floor filled with rocks and with need to eat and you can get is rice, water, and bread. So, yes this is my opinion. So, if you dont like it then too bad. If they we would just get out and work they wouldn't be so poor.

Is Haiti better than the US?

Haiti is a very poor place, so it is not better than the United States.

Why did people suffer so bad in haiti's earthquake?

Haiti suffered so much because they where poor and did not have enough money to fix homes, cure illnesses or take in the homeless.

Why was the human cost in Haiti so much greater than in Chile?

it is because haiti was a poor countrie and Chile was such a rich place for people to live in

Who got it worse Chile or Haiti?

Chile's earthquake arrived at approximately 8.7! Haiti's earthquake struck at 7.6. Chile is more rich than Haiti so they have enough money to repair bulding and bridges and pay for the people who are in the hospital. As for Haiti, they are a very small, poor country and need America's help. So help Haiti now.

Why are there so many orphans in Haiti?

There has been a recent devastating earthquake in Haiti, leaving lots of children orphans. Sending money or old toys would be a good help to these poor children.

Can you help Haiti by donations?

yes,absolutly,positivitly,si,100%. Haiti is what they call a third world country so that means they are very,very,very poor so if you donate to them then you did a very,very,very good thing. :) ;)

Is Haiti lucky?

Absolutely NOT!!!! Haiti was a very poor country BEFORE the earthquake, and because of that the buildings were not earthquake proof, so thousands of people have died and the people don't have anything to eat/drink (not to mention they have no homes).

Who are the enemies of Haiti?

Part of the reason that Haiti is so poor because of all the wars they have gone into with there enemies. Haiti has fought with Soviet Russia and East Germany. Haiti lost both of these wars, resulting in the loss of money. Another one of Haiti's enemies is the Dominican Republic. Although Haiti is located next to the Dominican Republic, they are enemies because the Haitians are going into the DR illegally, worsening the economy, etc. An example would be because the Haitian refugees are putting Dominican people out of business, due to the fact that they will work cheaper than most Dominicans would, meaning that they are taking their jobs. Another enemy of Haiti is the Kongo. Haiti and the Kongo have had harsh trade disputes lately which is causing them to become enemies.

Why are filipino's so poor?

Poverty in the Philippines can be attributed to a complex set of factors, including historical colonization, natural disasters, political instability, unequal distribution of wealth, corruption, and lack of access to quality education and employment opportunities. However, it is important to note that poverty is a multi-dimensional issue and should not be generalized to an entire population.

Describe what happened in Haiti on Jan 12?

In Haiti on January 12 an earthquake happened and it was a massive destruction. Haiti is a very poor country in the southern western hemisphere and there building strutures are very poor and the are right in the middl of the richtors scale toso they are prone to them. There was about 200,000 people estimated dead. Lots of people are alive but buried and can not be dug up fast enough so they are diening from starvation.

Why do so many babies die before their first birthday in haiti?

Widespread disease, shortage of food and water, and it's an extremely poor country.