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I assume you are referring to the parable of the five blind men who seek to describe an elephant, each describing only the part which he himself has touched (the tail, the trunk, the side, etc.) I do not know of any specifically Hindu religious scriptures that tell it, though it is generally acknowledged to be of Indian origin.

The parable has been used by teachers of many religions. Sometimes there are five blind men, sometimes there are six, sometimes there is an unspecified number. It is usually used to warn against confusing one's own experience of something with all that can be experienced of that thing. (Similar to Korzybski's mantra that "The map is not the territory.")

You can refer to the link below for a more detailed answer regarding where it came from, where it has been used, and what different people have interpreted its meaning as being. It is true because it is true not because it is Hindu.

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