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True, they descend from a common ancestor.

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Q: Is the following sentence true or false homologous structures provide strong evidence that all four limbed vertebrates have descended with modifications from common ancestors?
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What term refers to similar structures that relate to species have inherited from common ancestors?

homologous structures (correct answer, your response)

Similar structures that related species have inherited from common ancestors are called?

Homologous structures.

Does homologous mean that structures are similar due to having common ancestry?

homologous structures- same structure/different functions in common ancestors analogous structures-same functions/differnt structures not in common ancestors vestigial-show evolutionary history/structures that arent used anymore (i.e. human appendix/human tailbone)

Difference between homologous structures and analogous?

Homologous structures are any structures that have similarity and come from the same lineage. This can be seen in the forelimbs of mammals. Analogous structures are very similar but come from different ancestors. This can be seen in the North American flying squirrel vs the Australian sugar glider. They both have similar features but come from 2 different locations. In fact, the Australian sugar glider is more related to the kangaroo than the flying squirrel

Are the legs of a cat and the fins of a whale homologous or analogous?

Neither. Homologous structures are similar because two organisms came from a common ancestor. Analogous structures are similar because two unrelated organisms were subjected to similar environments. But the legs of a cat and the fins of a whale are not similar enough to be characterized as either homologous or analogous. The ancestors of whales were hoofed mammals, and one could argue that a hoofed mammal's leg and a cat's leg are homologous. However, after millions of years of being in the oceans, whales' fins have adapted such that they are now not at all similar to the legs of a cat.

What is a homologous structure and what does it show?

== == Homologous provide evidence for evolution because it shows the similarities and how we evolved from the same ancestors

What difference did scientists discover between today's whales and fossils of their ancestors and how does this show whales and animals with four legs probably descended from a common ancestor?

Bones of whale ancestors showed that whales had hip bones along with legs and hind feet.

What is the difference between a homologous structure and a analogous structure?

Homologous structures are different forms of animal anatomy which have come from the some origin (a common ancestor), these can be extremely different in appearance and function. For example a bats wing, a seals flipper and a human arm all have common bone and muscle structures suggesting that they all derived from a common ancestor. Vestigial structures are parts of the anatomy which have lost their original function through the evolutionary process and no longer obtain a major functional role in that animals life. For example in human the appendix's original function was to break down cellulose in plant material, other vestigial functions in humans include the coccyx (tailbone) and ear muscles.

What is your old brain?

The cerebellum is sometimes called the "ancient brain" or "primitive brain". The reason is that structures homologous to the cerebellum are found in animals that are not at all closely related to the primates. From this we conclude that the cerebellum evolved very early, and was inherited from very early ancestors.

What are structures that have no apparent function but resemble structures of presumed ancestors called?

Vestigial organs.

Identify two ways that organisms can be compared to provide evidence of evolution from a common ancestor?

You may use a brace map to determine common ancestors, look at physical structures of the skeletal system, or homologous genes.

How do vestigial structures work?

They don't, vestigial structures are biological structures with no known function that evolved from structures in distant ancestors that used to have a function that is no longer needed.