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No, per the link provided below, in North America, the Bald Eagle is larger.

I saw a link somewhere, comparing Harpy Eagles with Philippine Eagles, and there ensued a discussion as to just exactly what was meant by 'large': Wingspan and heighth, or weight and bulk? The controversy rages on!

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1w ago

No, the Philippine eagle is the largest eagle in the world in terms of length, while the Harpy eagle is the heaviest and has the largest talons. The golden eagle is one of the largest eagles in North America.

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Q: Is the golden eagle the largest eagle?
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Is the golden eagle the second largest eagle?

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Largest bald eagle?

No, the bald eagle is not the largest. Its the Phillippine Eagle, then Steller's Sea Eagle, then Bald Eagle, then White Tailed Eagle Golden Eagle You forgot the harpy eagle! its definitly bigger than the golden eagle

Is the largest eagle in America the Bald Eagle or is the Golden Eagle larger?

Actually niether of these species are the largest in America. The Harpy Eagle is the largest in America and also happens to be the 2nd largest in the world. The Golden Eagle has the longest wing span of any eagle in America, however.

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The largest eagle is the Golden Eagle, and it's wingspan can be up to eight feet.

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The golden eagle is not an endangered species.

What is bigger an American eagle or a golden eagle?

well being that there is no such thing as an American eagle, i would have to say the golden eagle. If u mean the bald eagle as the American eagle then the golden eagle is still bigger

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Who is stronger the golden eagle or Philippine eagle?

I now the answer is golden eagle con t beat the philippine eagle answer philippine eagle

Is a golden eagle a bold eagle?

A bald Eagle? No The Golden Eagle is a separate species of Eagle than the Bald Eagle. Perhaps you are confused by the maturing age of a Bald Eagle when it grows from a chick to an adult. It looks quite similar to a Golden Eagle.

Can a golden eagle see in the dark?

the golden eagle can see in the dark