

Is the gray moon the yellow sun?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Is the gray moon the yellow sun?
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Is the sun blue and the moon red?

No. The Sun is white (with a slight yellow-green bias), and the moon is charcoal gray.

Why is the full moon yellow?

The FULL MOON is yellow because it reflects off the sun. When the sun sets and the moon rises, only the full moon can be yellow because of the location of the sun and the moon

Why is the moon pale yellow and not bright yellow like the sun?

The moon only reflects from the sun, that's why the color is not that vivid.

Are moon and sun the same?

No. The sun is the bright yellow thing in the sky. The moon is the big white thing in the sky.

Why is the moon yellow in color or when is it in yellow color?

Because the sun reflects off of the surface of the moon which makes the yellow color. Since the moon is constantly revolving and rotating there are phases.

What color is the earth's moon?

The moon is generally a dark gray, but it looks silver when it is illuminated by the sun.

Why is the moon yellow on some nights?

The moon is yellow on some nights because of the amount of smog in the air. Also, it might be because of thepositionof the moon to the Earth and sun.

Why is the moon gray?

the moon is gray because the color of the moon sand is gray.

When does the blue sky turn from blue to sunset?

The sun goes down and the moon passes it by the sun alone is yellow by earth, but once the sun and moon pass each other the moon gives it the orange

Why is the moon so gray?

Because it is just a rock in space but the sun shows light through it

What gives the moon its color?

The moon is made mostly of nickel. If have a nickel on you, look at it. What color is it? Gray. When the sun shines on the moon, the nickel color gets brighter.

Why is the moon gray yellow sometimes blue?

I don't know for gray and yellow but for blue... The moon is only blue every 10 years or something. The reference is called "once in a blue moon" which means it's a really long time. The moon is only blue when there are two full moons in one month. That's 28 days. Blue moons can last up to a week.