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Because the sun reflects off of the surface of the moon which makes the yellow color. Since the moon is constantly revolving and rotating there are phases.

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Q: Why is the moon yellow in color or when is it in yellow color?
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Why does the moon get big and has a yellow color sometimes?

coz its a moon

What two colors make the color of moon?

I think yellow and white makes the color of moon.

Why is the moon a yellow or white color?

because that's how it is

Why is the moon pale yellow and not bright yellow like the sun?

The moon only reflects from the sun, that's why the color is not that vivid.

How do you get yellow moon orchid?

You get a yellow moon orchid if you are lucky. You have to wait until the plant is fully grown and then you will see what color you get!

What is the color of the moon titan?

yellow with a slight tint of orange.

Moshi monsters love berries moon orchid What is next?

If you have a yellow love berry and blue moon orchid the next one you need is a yellow moon orchid. To change the color, you have to replant until you get the color you want. Hope this helped!

What color is the full moon?

Grayish, sometimes w/ an eerie yellow.

Is the moon color full?

Grayish, sometimes w/ an eerie yellow.

What color is yellow after for Moon Orchid on Moshi Monsters?

The color of the flower is random, meaning that it does not come at any specific time or after any other specific color. You just have to keep planting Moon Orchid seeds until you get a yellow one.

What color of Moon Orchid do you need to get Dipsy on Moshi Monsters?

You need one any color Moon Orchid and one Yellow Moon Orchid along with one any color Love Berry to attract Dipsy on Moshi Monsters.

Why does the moon appear yellow but photographs grey?

The only time the moon is yellow is when it's close to the earth's horizon. The reason the moon looks yellow is because the light from the moon passes through the haze and smog in the earth's atmosphere. As the moon rises in the sky, it passes through less haze and regains it's greyish color. The true unfiltered color of the moon is grey. Photographers determine the coloer of the moon in their photographs by the variying exposure they use. A short exposure adds color to photographs. A longer exposure "washes out" colors and makes them appear whiter, or in the case of the moon, grey.