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no cuz if it wuz their would b a dude on the back saying dude

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Q: Is the hair on a donkey's butt called a dude?
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What is hair on a horses butt called?

Depends on which part of the "butt" you're talking about. You have the point of the hip, croup, tailhead, and their tail. In all honesty, when my horse is sore or something there, I call it his butt. The tailhead is where the tail connects to the body, the croup is the continuing of that to the top of the butt. The point of the hip is where you can feel the hipbones.

Name of a hair on elephants butt?

An infected elephants butt hair is not scientifically called a 'dude.' There may not be a specific name for it, it may depend on the type of infection and type of hair folicle. it's called butt hair

What is an elephant dude?

An elephant dude is a type of of hair on the rear or butt of the elephant

What is the hair on an elephants butt called?

For you its called "Me". Next time you see some be sure to yell out "Hey look! its ME!"

Does dude mean wart on a donkey?

no it means a hair on a elephants butt

Does dudette mean elephant butt hair?

No not at all it means a female dude.

What does dude really mean?

a infected hair on an elephants butt. But now it can mean friend...

What is an infected butt hair of an elephant called?

Its called a dude...(seriously not kidding).Btw its an ingrown hair on a horses buttmy friend and i went and googled this one nite cuz her sister told her not to call ppl dude or dudett... a dude is an elephant butt hair and a dudett is a ingrown elephant butt hair.OK don't believe everything you read on a Google search. Some sites are not worth it to believe any aspect of information provided within them. Wikipedia is one I would not trust because anyone that wants to can change any of the information on the site to what ever they want. Two this site. I wouldn't trust anything on this site because I have just registered for an account and look I am able to edit some ones answer. here is a more trusted site to seek this answer on. copy and paste the following after the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol within the URL box.""anywhere that doesn't allow you to post links as references is clearly no to be trusted.

What is an ingrown hair on a whale's butt called?

It's called a dudette

Does dude mean an infected hair on a whales butt?

no. it was first used in the 1800s as a term meaning a wealthy, well dressed man.

Are donkeys born with fur?

No, donkeys are born with hair, not fur.

What is an elephants but hair called?

Dude. Surprising name but it actually refers to an infected hair on an elephant. Dude usually stands for an infected hair around the anal or pubic area.