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Once you have had Hepatitis B there is no need for a Hepatitis B vaccine. The vaccine is only effective for those who have not had the disease, it is used to prevent a hepatitis B infection.

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Q: Is the hepatis b vaccine effective after you have hepatis b?
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Related questions

Is hepatitis b vaccine safe and effective on what percent vaccinated?

Hepatitis B vaccine is safe and effective on 50 percent of all patients who are vaccinated.

How effective is hepatitis b vaccine?

The success rate of vaccines varies wiidely. Some examples are: chicken pox vaccine, 90%, flu vaccine, 65%, HPV vaccine, 50%, and Hepatitis B vacine, 95%.

Can you become infected with the Hepatis-B virus by drinking out of the same drinking cup?


What does the medical abbreviation HBV mean?

HBV means hepatis B.Hepatitis B Virus

The Hepatitis B vaccine is considered one of the safest and most effective vaccines ever made?


How effective is the anthrax vaccine?

Medical studies show that the anthrax vaccine was safe and effective, vaccines use a system of injecting dead or weakened pathogens of the virus it is curing, that way the individual's immune systems B cells learn how to produce antibodies for that disease.

Is there a vaccine for parrot fever?

As of 1998, there is no vaccine that is effective against parrot fever.

What diseases were people suffering from without the Hepatitis B vaccine?

Since Hepatitis B vaccine only protects against Hepatitis B, the only thing the vaccine controls is Hepatitis B infections.

Can you give hepatitis b vaccine to someone with hepatitis B?

There is no harm or benefit from giving hepatitis B vaccine to someone with hepatitis B.

Why vaccine is not effective against protozoal diseases?

vaccine is not effective against protozoal diseases because of complex lifecycle of protozoa and multiple strains.

Is there a vaccine for diphtheria?

A diphtheria vaccine is effective for prevention and available in a number of formulations.

What can be prevented by vaccine?

Vaccinations are an effective method of preventing certain disease such as polio, tetanus, pertussis, diphtheria, influenza, hepatitis b, and pneumococcal infections.