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Jewish people belong to the Judaism, so they believe (most of them) in the Jewish stories and bible; but every Jewish man has his own story, so we can't say every Jew has the same history of the Judaism.

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Q: Is the history of Judaism also the history of the Jewish people?
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What is the Torah's place in Jewish history?

It defines the Jewish religion and also has details of our early history.

Why is it so hard to distinguish Jewish history from Jewish faith?

Answer 1Because throughout the history of Judaism there have been many rebellions and groups that branched off like the Hellenists and the Bar'yonim (a group of hotheaded people who wanted to go to war with the Romans during their Great Siege of Jerusalem).Answer 2Jews are expected to learn from their history. History provides lessons and is a source for examples of these lessons, which illustrate some of our beliefs. Our Sages discuss at length (Talmud, Sotah 11-13) the principle that God causes historical events to reciprocate people's behavior. This was the meaning, for example, of the conversation in Genesis 42:21-22; see also Genesis 42:28 and 44:16). Thus, events are granted as a feedback mechanism which hinges on our behavior and we may use them to strengthen our sense of God's supervision and Providence, which is part of our faith.Answer 3I would beg to differ to the fact that Jewish History and Jewish Faith are very confusable. Jewish History is the string of events that have defined Jewish interaction with the myriad of countries under whose rule, the Jewish people have lived. As for Jewish Faith, this is the Jewish understanding of the Natural and Supernatural World and how a person can bring themselves to the highest moral quality in the World of the Living. What makes Judaism unique with respect to Christianity or Islam is that the Jewish people function as one unit regardless of which countries they live in, creating an ethno-religious group. Like any ethnicity, Jews have a collective history. Like any religion, Jews have an understanding of the World beyond mere physical perception.Read more about Jewish History and Jewish Beliefs and Practices at the Related Questions below.

What religions were affected by the Holocaust?

The greatest number (six million) of victims of the Holocaust were the Jews of Europe, but there were also Gypsies, communists, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, the mentally ill, and anyone else whom the Nazis didn't like.Your grammar is awful. Anyway, I think you meant to ask, "What type of people were victims in the Holocaust?"Jewish people were the main target of Hitler's extermination, or "genocide."Gypsies were also targeted.

How did Nazis hide Jews from the outside world?

The Nazi's were mean and were anti-semenitists. They believed people of the Jewish faith wereen't normal and not ment for the Aryan race. The Nazi's also tied in with the mistreatment to the Jewish people in history - for example passover or the time of moses

What nationality are the Jewish people?

Jewish people tend to be of the Hebrew nation, and are the people of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. They are the people of Israel. Jacob's name was changed to Israel, and all of Jacob's descendants became the nation of Israel. It should be noted that Hebrews and Jews, while usually embodied by the same people (with exceptions), do not have the same definition because Judaism is a religious faith and Hebrews are of the Hebrew and Israeli nationality. So as many people who would call themselves Jewish are also Hebrew, and many people who call themselves Hebrews are also Jewish, they are not one and the same. Much like a Roman is not synonymous with a Catholic. Hebrew is a word that actually means one who crosses over, as in crosses over from Egypt.

Related questions

Is the history of Judaism also history of the Jewish people?

For all intents and purposes, the two histories are tied together.

Do you agree of disagree with this statement''the history of judaism is also the history of the Hebrew people?

I agree with it.

Is Judaism and Jewish one and the same?

Jewish is a broad category, Judaism is in that category. Judaism is the Jewish religion. There are also Jewish languages such as Hebrew, Yiddish and Ladino. There are Jewish foods such as gefilte fish and matza, and there are Jewish traditions such as not giving a child a first haircut until age 3.

Judaism and Anti-Semitism is a Jewish religion all about?

Judaism is a religion. Antisemitism is: 1. anti-Jewish prejudice, discrimination and 2. it can also be an ideology.

What makes a Hebrew?

The correct term today is Jewish person, not Hebrew.Anyone who's mother is Jewish or who converts to Judaism is considered a Jew. Additionally, Reform Judaism also recognizes a person as Jewish if their father was Jewish AND they were raised Jewish.

Do Judaism and Jewish mean the same thing?

The two words are closely related. "Judaism" is a noun whose meaning is "the Jewish religion." "Jewish" is an adjective whose meaning is "a person whose religion is Judaism." If you're Jewish, you practice Judaism.

What religion predominates in Jerusalem?

Jerusalem is mostly Jewish, so Judaism predominates.

Is judaism still praticed today?

Judaism is widely practiced today (21st Century). Also, separate from its practice, Judaism is arguably STUDIED today by more people than ever before in its history.

Is a gentile a Jew?

A Gentile is, by definition, a non-Jew, so no. Gentiles can take part in Jewish ritual with the exception of ceasing work on Shabbat which is seen to be a Jewish-exclusive activity. Gentiles can study Jewish History, Religion, or Civilization. Gentiles are also free to convert to Judaism if they so desire, but there is no proselytism in Judaism.

Why are the Jewish people identified by their religion and not their ethnicity?

Due to the nature of Judaism, it is a way of life more than a religion, a distinct Jewish culture developed. As such, being a Jew is also the individual's ethnicity.

What is the Torah's place in Jewish history?

It defines the Jewish religion and also has details of our early history.

Who created the Jewish religeon?

Abraham was the founder of Judaism; he made the eternal covenant with G-d. He also trusted G-d enough to leave his home and make his way towards the 'promised land'. Abraham himself was a Hebrew. Later, Moses (Judaism's greatest prophet) led the Israelites out of Egypt, and to Mt Sinai, where G-d gave them the Torah. This national revelation was the 'official' start of Judaism. The gathering of millions of people went forward as the Jewish family, Jewish people and Jewish religion. So Abraham was the founder, Moses was the liberator; but we could also argue that G-d 'created' Judaism -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------