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yes if the test perform after 3 months of post exposure.............

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Q: Is the immunochromatography is accurate test for hiv?
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When testing for HIV what accurate more results than ELISA test?

its the Western blot test

When testing for HIV what tests produce more accurate results than the ELISA test?

Western Blot Test: is a blood test that produces more accurate results than the ELISA test.

What HIV test produces more accurate results than ELISA test?

There is only one test that can give the accurate results for HIV. The only test that can do this would be the Elisa test.

Why is confirmatory test sometimes used to diagnose HIV?

Most forms of HIV testing do not test for the virus itself. The tests are designed to detect antibodies that are related to HIV infection. Although extremely accurate, it is important to confirm any reactive test, making certain the anitbodies that were detected are indeed those from HIV infection.

What is involved with an HIV test?

With a HIV test you are first required to make an appointment for the test to be carried out. A small amount of blood is taken and then sent away to a laboratory to be tested for the HIV antibodies. Two tests are normally carried out. If the first test is positive then a second test is carried out to confirm the original test. The two test are in fact different types of tests on the blood and therefore an accurate result is obtained.

Why cant people be diagnosed as HIV positive straight away?

The tests most commonly used to detect HIV do not test for the virus itself. These types of tests detect antibodies the body produces in response to HIV infection. The body does not immediately start producing antibodies in enough concentration for the test to detect them. Depending on the test, it can take up to 6 months after exposure for someone to test positive. The amount of time required for accurate results varies depending on the test. For more accurate information about HIV and the testing process, I encourage you to check out

Is it possible to get the wrong results when testing HIV?

The major concern with HIV testing that is inaccurate is when people test too early. In order for an HIV test to be accurate, there have to be enough antibodies present for the test to pick up. If a person tests too soon after infection, the body may not have had time to develop antibodies which can be measured. In these cases, a test will return a negative result, when in fact the person is HIV positive.

What is the first test used for detecting HIV what happens if the results of this test are reactive?

The first test performed is ELISA (or EIA) is a test that screens for the presence of HIV antibodies in the blood. This test is not a test for HIV/AIDS its a very sensitive and will be reactive even if there are only 1 or 2 antibodies in that person blood sample. If the results are reactive that test will be followed by a second test called confirmatory test which is highly accurate test in which it's is used to confirm the results of the ELISA.

What does a reactive HIV test mean?

It means that the test was positive for HIV.

Why is a confirmatory test sometimes used to diagnose HIV?

Most forms of HIV testing do not test for the virus itself. The tests are designed to detect antibodies that are related to HIV infection. Although extremely accurate, it is important to confirm any reactive test, making certain the anitbodies that were detected are indeed those from HIV infection.

Does the HBsAG test for HIV?

No, HBV testing does not test for HIV.

Is a HIV test a medical examination?

No the HIV test is not a medical examination. It is a blood test.