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as magnetic flux changes, representing numbers, which MAYbe a code representing letters or symbols, which may be parts of words. or it may all stay numbers.

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Q: Is the information stored in a floppy disk as words or numbers?
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Is a floppy disk stored as numbers or words?

William waz hea rm 20

What do computers work exclusively with to process information?

they use numbers not words.

What is the definition of data in database?

Data:Data is a piece of raw facts or organized information or factual information whichcan be processed and stored as information, especially information is organized for analysis or used to reasoning, discussion, or calculation in which conclusions may be drawn on the results of experience, observation or experiment. This may consist of numbers, words, or images, particularly as measurements or observations of a set of variables.

What does computer memory store?

Computer memory stores whatever data you enter into your computer. This is something like asking, what information is written on paper. The answer would be, any information that you choose to write. There are types of information, such as videos, that can be stored in computer memories, that cannot be written on paper. Computers are very versatile. They can store numbers, words, pictures, moving pictures, and sounds, as well as programs (which ultimately are in the form of a series of numbers) that instruct them in how to do what you want them to do.

What rhymes with copy?

Slopy? Im not sure but might help with this.

What is the name of the program that sets information into charts where numbers and words can be visualized and usd?

a do do do a da da da

How do you copy floppy disk photos to windows?

You could select the ones you want and drag and drop them into the folder you want, or select the photos you want. Press ctrl+c then ctrl+v in the place the you want to move them to.You are using the words FLOPPY DISK, so I assume you have an external floppy drive or are you using an old computer? I bought an external floppy drive to be able to help people transition their information properly to at least CD/DVD storage. I would be certain of what you have before advising you what to do.GrandmaJ.

What is text vs numbers in excel?

Text is words and letters, while numbers are values.Text is words and letters, while numbers are values.Text is words and letters, while numbers are values.Text is words and letters, while numbers are values.Text is words and letters, while numbers are values.Text is words and letters, while numbers are values.Text is words and letters, while numbers are values.Text is words and letters, while numbers are values.Text is words and letters, while numbers are values.Text is words and letters, while numbers are values.Text is words and letters, while numbers are values.

Which words are not numbers?

"banana" and "purple" are words that are not numbers.

How would you distinguish data and information?

Take an R.V. the data is just the sequence of numbers. the amount of information is the intersection of the entropy between the data input and output

Can you give me a list of six letter words?

Accent, biopsy, chills, classy, effort, and floppy are the six letter words i came up with.

What words start with s and rhyme with sloppy?

shoppy soppy sadie stacey (non s words) loppy floppy gloppy boppy