

Is the interior of the small intestine highly acidic?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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No itis the stomache

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Q: Is the interior of the small intestine highly acidic?
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Do enzymes in the small intestine need an acidic environment in order to work?

No, the small intestine do not need an acidic environment in order to work. Acid works in stomach to partially digest the food. In the small intestines, fats are digested using bile from the gallbladder which is not acidic.

Would trypsin work well in the stomach?

No. The stomach is highly acidic (~2pH) while trypsin works well in the neutral/basic environment of the small intestine.

Which substance neutralizes stomach acid as chyme enters the small intestine?

Bicarbonate is the secretion that neutralizes stomach acid as chyme enters the small intestine. Bicarbonate is necessary because chyme is highly acidic. Bicarbonate is created in the pancreas.

How is the pH of the stomach maintained?

Alkaline pancreatic juices are secreted into the small intestine and neutralize the acidic chyme.

How is the proper pH for the functioning of the pancreatic-intestinal enzymes ensured?

The enzymes in the pancreas (which include several proteases, several nucleases, several elastases, pancreatic amylase, carboxypeptidase and steapsin) need to be of an alkaline pH (about pH8) to cancel out the highly acidic produce of the stomach. The pancreatic juices meet the bolus in the duodenum of the small intestine.

What buffers the acidic chyme as it moves from the stomach to the small intestine?

Bile released from the gallbladder into the duodenum --Bile from the gallbladder mainly serves to emulsify fats. It does serve neutralization purposes distally in the ileum. The main buffers of acidic chyme as it moves from the stomach to the first part of the small intestine, the duodenum, are pancreatic bicarbonate and secretions from the submucosal Von Brunners glands. The Goblet cells of the duodenal epithelium secrete mucus which helps to protect the small intestine from damage from the acidic chyme as well.

What is the most direct result of the presence of acid chyme in the small intestine?

because of it low pH(making it acidic), the duodenum (the first section of the small intestine) secretes cholecystokinin (CCK), which causes the gallbladder to secrete bile.

Is the small intestine acidic?

The secretions of the stomach are acidic. The acid is too strong than you can imagine. The pH is as low as 2. The secretions of the stomach remain acidic till the mid-part of the second part of the duodenum. Here the alkaline secretions of the liver and the pancreas enter the duodenum to counter the acidic secretions of the stomach.

What reaction in the human body is not neutral?

The digestion of food in mouth and stomach and also in small intestine is not neutral , it is either acidic or basic.

When nutrients leave the stomach in what order do they move through the small intestine?

When food leaves the stomach it first goes through the small intestine. It goes in the same order as it leaves the stomach. The first part of the small intestine is called the duodenum. It changes the digestive fluid from the acidic fluid of the stomach to alkaline. After that it goes through the rest of the small intestine. Nutrients that have become small enough are absorbed by the small intestine through small projections or villi. Food that leaves the small intestine goes into the large intestine. There bacteria digests part of it and makes part of it available for the human. The food part then passes through the very thin large intestine wall. The food digested in the small and large intestines go from there to the liver.

Why does the absorption of nutrients occur in the small intestine and not the stomach?

the walls of the stomach is alkaline and the food contain in the stomach is acidic.. it will not accept the nutrients to enter inside the stomach walls. the small intestine having villa in the walls and it ll absorb the nutrients in the food.