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Q: Is the largest number of taste buds associated with the filiform papillae?
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Number of taste buds on your tongue?

There are 3 types of taste buds present in the tongue:Vallate(is the largest and present at the back of the tongue)Filliform(smallest, numerous and present at the dorsum of the tongue)Fungiform(present at the tip and margins)

The largest number of taste buds in adults are associated with the?

nose then mouth

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Since 1800, the largest number of casualties due to volcanic eruption has been an estimated 92,000 associated with Mount Tambora in Indonesia in 1815.

How genital papillae helps in copulation in earthworm?

The male genital pores, which are three in number situated ventrally in Pheretima are raised and inserted into the spermathecal openings of the other worm and the spermatophores are deposited.These raised genital ducts via the genital pores are called Genia Papillae.

What is the correct name for the largest number you have?

the largest number

What is the largest prime number 57?

No, there is no largest prime number. Also 57 is not a prime.No, there is no largest prime number. Also 57 is not a prime.No, there is no largest prime number. Also 57 is not a prime.No, there is no largest prime number. Also 57 is not a prime.

What is the largest number of causalities for a volcanic eruption and the century the eruption occurred?

For the 21st century, that would be Mount Merapi in Indonesia in 2010 so far.

What is the largest even number?

M84 is the largest even number.

What is Graham's largest number?

grahams largest number is 92

Can you determine the largest number?

The largest number possible is infinity

Which one is the largest whole number?

There is no largest whole number.

What is the largest number known?

Numbers go on to infinity so there is no way to say that there is a largest number. The largest natural number that is actually used is "Graham's number" which is used in field of math known as Ramsey theory.