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Green tea will not help to assist weight loss. Weight loss needs to be a lifestyle change where you monitor everything you put in your body and continue to excercise regularly.

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Q: Is the link between green tea and weight loss a myth?
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The Link Between Green Tea and Weight Loss?

Green tea is often touted as a weight loss aid, but for many people the reasons are unclear. What is the connection between green tea and weight loss? To begin with, green tea is caffeinated, which can speed up the metabolism slightly when it is consumed. In addition, there are ingredients in green tea which reportedly can rid the body of fats and toxins, making it ideal for those on a detox or weight loss diet. Finally, many cultures that consume green tea are among the slimmest and healthiest in the world, including the countries of China, Korea, and Japan.

Is there a link between the thalamus gland and weight loss?

When it comes to weight loss, people are always trying to understand the links between different things including their glands and weight loss. The link between the thalamus and weight loss is the most basic. The gland controls taste and smell in determining the person's appetite.

How can I find information on the link between breastfeeding and weight loss?

There is a link between breast feeding and weight loss. If you eat the right foods, and you breastfeed, you would lose a lot of the baby weight that you put on.

What is the link between blood type and weight loss?

For all I know, there is no correlation between the type of blood type and weight loss. Watch what you eat and exercise the good old fashioned way, and you'll be fine.

What is the connection between green tea and weight loss?

Whether using green tea for weight loss or any other method, in order to lose one pound of fat over the period of a week, a person must maintain a calorie .

Do green tea and weight loss link?

The best way to lose weight is through diet and exercise. Green tea is full of antioxidants and may help in losing weight. For additional information please see:

Can green chilly help in weight loss?

Small amounts of green chilli is a natural weight loss food. When combined with other healthy weight loss foods and exercise regime, it can quickly help you to reach your desired weight. Patience and portion control is important. So, enjoy green chillies.

Does green tea cause weight loss and how much of it does?

No, it does not.

Does a tea weight loss plan really work?

Green tea added to a weight loss plan can help with losing weight. Green tea is supposed to help raise energy levels.

Does lemon or green tea show any difference in weight loss?

I have done some research into green tea and weight loss ( and have found that legitimate research studies show green tea can help with weight loss especially when accompanied with moderate exercise. I drink it daily myself, with lemon, though I have no idea if lemon contributes to the weight loss itself.

How can I find out if green tea weight loss programs work?

I can tell you that it does work if you stick to it with exercise. Green tea is a great source of Antioxodents it is this that is the reason for weight loss.

Is there weight loss with green tea?

Green tea has often been promoted as a method of weight loss. While it is not entirely confirmed, there are known health benefits that come with the natural antioxidants in green tea.