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Q: Is the little finger dexter to the thumb?
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What is the name of five fingers in Hindi and English?

Hindi : Angutha,tarjani,madhyama,anamika,kanishtha English : thumb,forefinger or index finger,middle finger,ring finger, little finger.

What is the name pinky finger to thumb finger action?

Opposition is a special action of the hand, whereby the thumb and little finger are brought around to touch the fingertips. This action occurs at the joints between the carpal bones and the metacarpals of the thumb and little finger.

What are the five fingers?

Thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger.

Which metacarpal is proximal to the little finger?

The fifth metacarpal articulates proximally with the little finger. The fifth proximal phalanx meets the fifth metacarpal at the knuckle of the pinkie finger.

What is the name for finger and toes?

The technical name for the fingernail is onyx

Is the index finger the middle finger?

No, the index finger is next to the thumb. Then the middle finger. Then the ring finger. Then the little finger, sometimes called pinky. no its the one between the middle finger and the thumb. The one you point it.

What the space from thumb to little finger called?

A span.

What is the anatomical position of the little finger to the thumb?


Is the little finger lateral to the thumb?

nah its medial

What is the name of human finger in hand?

fore finger, middle,ring finger, little finger thumb

What are the five main parts of your hand?

thumb, point finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger

What muscle brings the little finger toward the thumb?

The muscle responsible for bringing the little finger toward the thumb is called the abductor digiti minimi.