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Q: Is the mammary area anterior and dorsal?
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Is dorsal a body plane?

Dorsal is the back and ventral is anterior

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There are two Dorsal fins on a perch. The anterior and posterior Dorsal fins.

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the ventral cavity is anterior to the dorsal cavity which is in the posterior.

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What is the plane that divide anterior and posterior?

It is dorsiventral plane. The dorsal side is called posterior and ventral side anterior.

What term is the same as anterior?

The term "anterior" is the same as "frontal." It refers to the front part or surface of something.

What are the structures of fish?

Dorsal Structure, Ventral Structure, Anterior, and Posterior.

What muscle lies directly below the mammary glands?

Pectoralis major and seratus anterior muscles can be found directly below mammary tissue.

Where is the dorsal blood vessel located?

The dorsal blood vessel is located on top of the intestinal track in a worm.

Pertaining to the front part?

Dorsal and ventral.