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Q: Is the mass of an object the same regardless of where it is measure?
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Is the mass of an object always the same regardless of the size?

No is the short answer

How do you find the density of an irregular shaped object that sinks?

Measure the volume of the object which is same as the volume of the displaced liquid in which that sinks. And measure the mass of the same object from a weighing machine. then use density = mass/volume

Which has a greater mass a kilogram of bricks or a kilogram of feathers?

They both have the same mass. A kilogram measure mass regardless of the material, volume etc.

What is weight what is Mass?

Mass is the measure of the quantity of material contained within an object. Weight is a measure of the gravitational pull on an object. Weight will vary depending on how strong the gravitational pull is while mass remains the same.

How is mass and volume different?

Volume is the amount of water, space ,or air an object takes up and is labeled cm3. Mass is the measure of the amount of matter in an object ,and is labeled g (or grams). mass is not the same as the measure of weight because mass always stays the same and weight is the measurement of the force of the gravity of an object which can change because gravity changes.

Are the same tools used to measure weight and mass?

mass is measured with a balance comparing an unknown mass with an object of known mass. weight is not measeured with the same tools as mass.

What 2 ways are weight and mass different?

Mass is the amount of matter an object has. Weight is actually a measure of the force of gravity on an object. An object normally has a constant mass, but weight varies with gravity. An object in space will have no weight, but still have the same mass.

An object's rate of acceleration due to gravity does not change regardless of mass?

That's true, as long as the object remains on or near the surface of the same planet.

What units are used to measure the weight of an object?

The same units as mass, for objects in the same gravitational reference frame.

When dropping objects with different masses which object will land first?

they fall at the same rate regardless of their mass Maryann Saba

What is the property of matter that is not affected by gravity and is constant?

The property of matter that is not affected by gravity is mass. An object has the same mass regardless of the force of gravity, however it's weight can vary. Weight is the force of gravity acting on the mass of an object.

Are mass and density the same?

NO, mass is the measure of weight, and density is the measure of mass and volume divided my themselves. They are very different.