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Plagiarism is taking another person's works or words and using them without permission. It is not legal in shape or form.

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Q: Is the meaning of plagiarism legally copying off of something else without permission?
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Related questions

What is the difference between adaptation and plagiarism?

Adaptation involves transforming or modifying existing work to create something new with added originality, while giving credit to the original source. Plagiarism, on the other hand, involves using someone else's work without permission or proper attribution, passing it off as one's own. Adaptation is considered a legitimate practice when done ethically and legally, whereas plagiarism is a serious ethical and legal violation.

Is allowing someone to copy something from a website to another considered copyright infringement?

If you legally own a product you are allowed to make a "back up" copy for personal use. However unless your copies would qualify as "back up" or "fair use" no you can't legally duplicate a copyrighted product. It would be an infringement of the original authors' rights to control duplication and creation of derivatives of their work.

What is the percentage of an article that you can copy legally?

To avoid copyright infringement, it is generally recommended to avoid copying any portion of an article without proper permission. However, as a guideline, copying less than 10% or 100 words of an article may be considered acceptable under fair use, but it is always best to seek permission from the original author or publisher.

Can your grandpa adopt you legally?

Yes, with your parents permission

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No, not legally.

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When can you legally move out of your parents' house with their permission?

If your parents give you permission, you can move out at any time. Giving that permission does not releave them of their responsibilities for you.

Is it okay to plagiarize sometimes?

No. Plagiarism is copying someone else's words or ideas and claiming them as your own, so it is a form of dishonesty. There are cases where you can use someone else's words or ideas that are legally acceptable, but the key is ... you can never say that they are *your* words or ideas. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to identify clearly in your writing when you are quoting someone else, and when you are stating your opinion. That is what in text citations are for, and a good mastery of the use of quotation marks is also helpful.

Can you legally give your son permission to move out?

Yes, you can give them permission to move out. It will not remove your responsibility for their welfare.

Can a parent legally give 15 yr old boy permission to move out?

legally you can not give a 15yr boy permission to move out. if you are having problems with him get help. it is still your son!

Can a sixteen year old legally live in an apartment by herself in Texas?

Answer: Legally, no not unless you have a parents permission. Even if you did have a parents permission you really don't have say so in where you live.

Can you get your ears pierced legally at fifteen?

Legally as in without parent permission? Peircings are legal anytime in your life