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the difference between adaptation and plagiarism is: adaptation is delivering or executing something that is done in a new form where plagiarism means using or stealing someones idea without discretion in a literal way of writing, using or producing and presented as your own.

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4mo ago

Adaptation involves transforming or modifying existing work to create something new with added originality, while giving credit to the original source. Plagiarism, on the other hand, involves using someone else's work without permission or proper attribution, passing it off as one's own. Adaptation is considered a legitimate practice when done ethically and legally, whereas plagiarism is a serious ethical and legal violation.

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Q: What is the difference between adaptation and plagiarism?
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What the difference between adaptation and adapting?

the difference between adaptation and plagiarism is: adaptation is delivering or executing something that is done in a new form where plagiarism means using or stealing someones idea without discretion in a literal way of writing, using or producing and presented as your own.

Difference between adaptation and plagiarism?

An adaptation transforms original content into a new form while maintaining core elements. Plagiarism involves copying someone else's work without permission, presenting it as one's own. Adaptation is a creative process that acknowledges and respects the source material, while plagiarism is dishonest and unethical.

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