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This virus is sometimes called a slow virus because it can be latent-like. It doesn't mean that it is in this form when it takes a few days to show symptoms after infection. This in called incubation.

This form in measles stays in latency up to 10 years and will show then as a progressive brain disease and finally death.

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3mo ago

No, the measles virus is not latent. Once a person is infected with the measles virus, it typically causes a high fever and rash within a few weeks. The virus does not go into a latent state in the body.

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Measles is a viral infection caused by the measles virus. It is not bacterial or fungal in nature.

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Measles is neither a fungi nor a bacteria; it is a highly contagious viral infection caused by the measles virus.

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Humans are the only known host of the measles virus.

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The measles virus, specifically the Measles morbillivirus, is responsible for causing measles in humans. It is highly contagious and is spread through respiratory droplets from coughs and sneezes of an infected person. Vaccination is an effective way to prevent measles.

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Virus known as the Measles Virus, both the disease and virus share the same name.

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Measles are caused from a microbe, virus, which is transmitted through contact with a person that caught them. the transmission period where the virus is contagious is about three weeks prior to a person getting them, usually direct contact, sometimes airborne also.