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Mitochondria are certainly important but so are other organelles like ribosomes, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus, etc. It all depends on what the cells primary function is. For any one individual cell, the mitochondria probably gives way to the nucleus as it has the instructions on how to create any other organelles. However the cell would not be able to function if any of the organelles are missing.

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Mitochondria are where we convert most of our fuel (sugars) into energy. Without energy to function the cell dies.

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It is not most important. But it is vital

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Q: Is the mitochondria the most important organelle in the body cell?
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Is a mitochondria a organ?

No, a mitochondrion is not an organ. It is a cellular organelle found in eukaryotic cells that is responsible for generating energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration. Organs are made up of various tissues working together to perform specific functions in the body.

What organelle supplies the energy to the cell?

Cells need energy to function and to fulfill this important role, cells have specialized organelles that provide the cell with energy. This specialized organelle is called a mitochondria.Mitochondria is the organelle that supplies energy to the cell. Mitochondria stores metabolites and degrades and recycles macro molecules.

What do mitochondria do in a amimal cell?

It's a very important organelle in cells because the mitochondria is what makes the energy for the cell. :D

Is mitochondria an organelle of the cell?

its an organelle.

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the eucaryotic cell organelle that resemble bacteria is MITOCHONDRIA

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It is an organelle called the mitochondria

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The Mitochondria provides energy for the cell

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The organelles most important to respiration are?

The organelle most important for respiration is the mitochondria. Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell because they are responsible for producing the energy currency of the cell, ATP, through the process of cellular respiration.

Is mitochondria a motor neuron?

No it is not a cell. It is a cell organelle.

Where can you find the mitochondria in animals?

Mitochondria exists in every cell. It is an organelle, an organ of a cell.

Which organelle is responsible for proviiding energy to the cell?

Mitochondria is responsible for energy in the cell.