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The close similarity of the Moon's composition and the Earth's crust suggest that they had a common formation. One theory is that a large co-orbiting planetoid struck the Earth after the heavier elements had already formed the core (Giant Impact or Massive Collider theory). Some of the collider's exterior and some of the Earth's outer layers were smashed loose and coalesced into the Moon, which gradually moved farther from the Earth.

Because the isotopic composition of lunar crust proved to be practically identical to Earth's, the Giant Impact may have involved two smaller proto-Earths instead, whose compositions then combined.

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7y ago
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13y ago

No, it gets closer and further throughout it's monthly orbit, since it's orbit is not perfectly circular and central.

Perigee (closest distance) 363,104 km

Apogee (furthest distance) 405,696 km

Semi-major axis (average distance) 384,399 km

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11y ago

Yes, an astroid named Luna crashed into the earth while it was still forming,thus forming the moon

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14y ago

No. The Moon is gradually and very slowly getting farther away from Earth.

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12y ago

The best current explanation for the moon is that it formed form the debris flung out when a body the size of Mars impacted the proto-Earth.

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14y ago

Yes. Around WHERE is the REAL question! :)

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12y ago

they can go to the moon.

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Q: Is the moon always the same distance from the earth?
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Has the moon always been the same distance from Earth?

No it has not, because the gravitational pull has not always been the same. It is closer to Earth than it ever has been before.

Are the moon and the sun the same distance from earth?

No. Earth to the Sun is: Average Distance is 15o million km Earth to the Moon is: Average Distance is 384403 kilometers

Why does it take the same time as the light from the sun to reach earth as it does for the moon?

It doesn't always do that. At some points in the Moon's orbit around the Earth, the distance from the Sun to the Moon and Earth is the same. At other points, the Moon is either closer or farther away from the Sun. But either way the distance between the Moon and Earth is so much smaller than the distance between the Sun and the Moon, that the difference in time becomes really, really tiny in comparison.

Why do the moon and sun seem the same distance from earth?

because to earth and moon are like next door neighbors so that it feel like the same distance but its not.

From the earth the moon always looks approxamitley the same size what can you conclude from this about the orbit of the moon around the earth?

Maybe it appears to be of same size to naked eyes, but actually Moon's orbit around Earth is not perfectly round but is oval or elliptical in shape. As the Moon orbits our planet, it's distance varies from about 221,000 to 252,000 miles. This 13% variation in the Moon's distance makes the Moon's apparent size in our sky vary by the same amount

Related questions

Is the moon or mars closter to the sun?

The moon is closer to the sun. Since the moon orbits Earth, it is always about the same distance from the sun as Earth is.

Why does the moon always look roughly the same size?

Because from your position on Earth, it is always roughly the same distance away from you.

Has the moon always been the same distance from Earth?

No it has not, because the gravitational pull has not always been the same. It is closer to Earth than it ever has been before.

What is the distance between earth and heaven?

The same as between the Moon and the Earth. The distance from the clouds to the surface of the Earth is insignificant, compared to the Moon-Earth distance.The same as between the Moon and the Earth. The distance from the clouds to the surface of the Earth is insignificant, compared to the Moon-Earth distance.The same as between the Moon and the Earth. The distance from the clouds to the surface of the Earth is insignificant, compared to the Moon-Earth distance.The same as between the Moon and the Earth. The distance from the clouds to the surface of the Earth is insignificant, compared to the Moon-Earth distance.

Are the moon and the sun the same distance from earth?

No. Earth to the Sun is: Average Distance is 15o million km Earth to the Moon is: Average Distance is 384403 kilometers

Why does it take the same time as the light from the sun to reach earth as it does for the moon?

It doesn't always do that. At some points in the Moon's orbit around the Earth, the distance from the Sun to the Moon and Earth is the same. At other points, the Moon is either closer or farther away from the Sun. But either way the distance between the Moon and Earth is so much smaller than the distance between the Sun and the Moon, that the difference in time becomes really, really tiny in comparison.

Why do the moon and sun seem the same distance from earth?

because to earth and moon are like next door neighbors so that it feel like the same distance but its not.

From the earth the moon always looks approxamitley the same size what can you conclude from this about the orbit of the moon around the earth?

Maybe it appears to be of same size to naked eyes, but actually Moon's orbit around Earth is not perfectly round but is oval or elliptical in shape. As the Moon orbits our planet, it's distance varies from about 221,000 to 252,000 miles. This 13% variation in the Moon's distance makes the Moon's apparent size in our sky vary by the same amount

What do the earth and the moon have the same distance from?

each other

Does the moon keep the same distance from the earth?


How far can the moon be from the sun?

Since the moon orbits Earth, it is always about the same distance from the sun as Earth is. At its farthest point (aphelion), Earth is about 94 million miles from the sun. The moon's orbit around Earth can add about 250,000 miles to that if it reaches its farthest point from Earth (apogee) during the full moon phase. This is a difference about 0.27% the Earth's distance tot he sun.

Are the moon and the sun the same distance from the earth?

No, the sun is much further away from the earth than the moon.