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Q: Is the moon and the crustal rocks of earth are similar in density?
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What has less density--the crustal rocks or the mantle rocks?

Crustal rock is normally less dense than mantle rock.

What is the main component of rocks on earth's surface?

Oxygen is the largest component of crustal rock.

Where are fault block mountains most common?

in places where earth crustal rocks are weak.

Is gravitational attraction varies directly with tilt of the earth axis?

No the Earth's gravitational attraction is caused by its mass. It varies slightly because the Earth is an oblate spheroid not a sphere, and as a result of variation in the density of crustal rocks. The tilt of Earth's axis has no affect on gravitational attraction.

What is crustal Compression?

when they are pushed together they form crustal rocks

Topographically high-standing mountainous areas generally?

are underlain by greater than average thicknesses of lower density, crustal rocks

Do plates and crustal plates differ?

Plates and Crustal plates are not different it can also be called as Crustal rocks

What are the two elements that make up 75 percent of the total mass of the crustal rocks of the earth?

Oxygen and silicon.

What density of the moon is comparable to that of mantle rocks on?


How common is iodine on earth?

The average relative abundance of iodine in earth's crustal rocks is 80 ppb, count of atoms, or 490 ppb by weight.

Are rocks opaque?

Yes. Rocks on the moon are similar to volcanic rocks on Earth.

How did density affect the formation of earth's layers?

As the earth formed, the heavier, more dense elements sunk toward the center, while the lighter, less dense ones stayed near the surface. The result was layers of rocks of similar density.