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Mormonism is just like any other Christian religion, each religion being with their individual differences, so if Mormonism is fraudulent, then all of Christianity is fraudulent.

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Q: Is the most fraudulent of all the religions Mormonism?
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Pretty much all the religions one would find elsewhere in the United States: Catholicism, Protestantism, Mormonism, Judaism, and Native American religions.

What religion ivolves water while on pilgrimage?

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I'm a sure that most do, its a pretty widely known doctrine of Mormonism, and in fact, most Christian religions. Mormons believe that God created everything, and therefore is the Father of all beings - including Satan, Jesus, and you! This is a pretty basic element in the Bible and is believed by most Abrahamic religions, including Christians, Jews, and Muslims. For more in-depth answers regarding Mormon beliefs about Satan, check out the "Related Questions" below.

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No. Monotheism is a category of religions. There are a number of monotheistic religions, such as Judaism, all of the sects of Christianity except Mormonism, Islam, Baha'i, Karaism, Yarsan, Druze, and numerous other religions, many of which share little more than the belief that there is only one god.

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Abraham and Moses are considered prophets in the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. They are revered figures in all three faiths for their leadership, teachings, and guidance in spreading monotheism.

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There can't be a "most eclectic religion" since the entire process of eclecticism is borrowing freely from other religions and philosophies. Thus being eclectic in your religious views means you can create your own religion using aspects of any and all other religions. You can literally reconcile opposing theories of, for instance, Christianity, Satanism, Islam, Buddhism, Witchcraft, Mormonism, etcetera.

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We recognize all religions. Lutheranism is the most common.

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Most of them are, but, not all of them.

Did you know that according to Mormons and Mormonism all religion is a lie except for theirs of course theirs is the one true religion and this is their official position?

This is the official position of pretty much every religion worldwide. Most religions believe that theirs is the only true religion. Unlike many other religions, however, Mormons also believe that all other religions have some truth and therefore have good to contribute. Mormons seek out the good in all things (including other faiths) and celebrate the good.

Do other religions make offerings?

Yes, many religions involve the practice of making offerings as a form of worship, gratitude, or seeking blessings. For example, in Hinduism offerings such as fruits, flowers, and incense are common, while in Buddhism offerings of candles, water, and food are made at shrines. Similarly, practices in Shintoism, Taoism, and other spiritual traditions also involve making offerings to deities, ancestors, or nature spirits.

What is the reference to miles in Mormonism?

There is no reference to miles in the scripture, theology, or doctrine of Mormonism. Mormons use miles to measure distance if that is the standard unit of measure in their country, but that is about all that miles have to do with Mormonism.

Is any or all religion polytheistic monotheistic or particularistic?

Most religions are polytheistic, monotheistic, or particularistic. Some monotheistic religions are particularistic as are polytheistic. There are no religions that are all three.