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Size, structure, digestive system (sheep are polygastric and horses are monogastric), horses are used for riding and heavy work. Sheep are produced for milk, meat and wool production. Sheep can have more than one healthy offspring at a time, while horses are rarely able to have two healthy foals. Horses gestation period is 12 months, while a sheep is pregnant for only 144-151 days.

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15y ago

"Better" isn't the issue; they are simply different animals. Mules are large, donkeys are small. Both can carry people or packs. Bigger loads would need a big animal, like a mule; with or without a load, mules will get where they're going faster than a donkey because they have a longer stride.

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12y ago

A unicorn is like this little magical horse in like fairy-tales, it has a horn sticking out of its head, and it can be pink, or white, or yada yada and a horse has hair coming down its neck, they aren't magical and you can actually see horses instead of ponies. NO ANIMAL IS COLORFUL EXCEPT PROBABLY THE RAINBOW TROUT!!

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12y ago

A goat is a ruminant animal, meaning it eats its food and partly digests it, then brings up small amounts (called cud) to re-chew before swallowing it again and continuing to digest it.

A mule is the name for the result of a cross between a horse and a donkey (that is, the offspring of a mating between a horse and a donkey). Mules are sterile, meaning they can't have babies. Like their donkey and horse parents, mules have only one stomach (like humans) so when they eat their food, they don't bring it back up to chew.

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12y ago

A mule is when you breed a male donkey and a female horse together. Female horse + male donkey = mule. A mule is smaller then a horse.

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11y ago

Yes, a mule is the result of breeding a male donkey and a female horse. The reverse pairing a male horse and a female donkey will produce a hinny.

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