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Q: Which term refers to the contractions that force sperm from the body?
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What term is defined as the contractions that forces sperm from the body?


What term is defined as the contactions that force sperm from the body?


What is sperm viability?

Sperm viability refers to the length of time sperm can survive outside the donor's body. This can be somewhere between 20 minutes to an hour, depending on what type of elements the sperm are exposed to.

What does balanced force means?

"Balanced force" refers to a force that is opposite and of equal value to another force.

Does semen have to have a force for it to get to the uterus?

No - obviously ejaculation is beneficial as it gets the sperm as close to the cervix as possible, but once there it is helped by the females body. Around a week before ovulation the mucus that plugs-up the cervix softens and flows down into the vagina where it acts to protect sperm from the acidic pH of the vagina and provides a medium through which sperm can swim through. The cervix also dips down into the vagina during orgasm to 'pick-up' the sperm, and uterine contractions also help propel the sperm up through the uterus.

What is viscous flux?

Viscous flux usually refers to laminar flow. In most contexts, it refers to something like creeping flow or Poiseuille flow. Viscous flus usually arises from an external body force acting on a fluid. The external body force is usually pressure, or in some instances, centripetal force or magnetism.

Which term refers to the force exerted as the heart pumps blood from the left ventricle to the arteries and out into the body?


How removing sperm affect the human body?

As new sperm are made in the body, there is no shortage of them in the body.

Internal forces?

A force internal to the system under consideration. Whether a force is regarded as internal or external depends on how the system is defined and classified, and is largely a matter of convenience. In biomechanics, the human body is generally regarded as the system and any force exerted by one part of the body on another is an internal force. Muscle contractions produce internal forces, which move a joint. Compare

What does it mean when you dream of having contractions?

If you are pregnant in real life, the dream represents your body's preparation for approaching delivery. If you are not pregnant, then the dream refers to an important project, idea, or task that you are "laboring" to bring to completion.

What caused by rhythmic contractions of the heart?

The pulse is caused by the rhythmic contractions of the heart. The pulse can be measured at superficial arteries in teh body.

Which chemical causes contractions in the human body?

Oxytocin is a natural hormone produced by a woman's body that causes uterine contractions. They use Pitocin, which is a synthetic oxytocin drug, to induce labor.