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Q: Is the nose proximal to the cheek?
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Is the nose lateral to the checkbones?

No. It is the other way around, the nose is medial to the cheek bones.

Which disorder is associated with a butterfly rash on the nose and cheek?

A butterfly rash that appears on the nose and cheek can signify systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease.

Can a hit to the nose cause sinuses to spread to cheek?

no, no you can not unless you fell like breaking you nose.

Is a beauty mark only located around the nose or cheek bone?

yes but only birth marks can be any were else so yes they can either be around your nose or around your cheek bones

Is the cheekbone proximal to the nose?

Since it is in about the same plane as your cheekbones it can not be considered to be superficial. But the nose is medial to the cheekbones and the cheekbones are lateral to the nose.

What is the directional term that best describes the eyes in relation to the nose?

The eyes are superior to the shoulders.

Is the nose proximal to the mouth?

I'll say yes but to be more specific, superior is better. To be proximal is to be close and superior is to be higher up (for this case, higher up in position since humans are described from head to toe)

How do you say i love you to a horse in horse laguange?

You lean your left cheek against its nose and reach under and scratch the bottom of its chin region. Or I like to rub nose on nose

Where is the nose relative to the throat medial or proximal?

The nose is superior and slightly anterior to the throat. Both structures are midline, so one can't be called medial to the other.

What does it mean when a guy kisses your forehead your cheek and your nose but not your lips yet?

they either are not ready or they are waiting for you to kiss them

Where are accidental injuries found on the body?

over the face especially over nose and left cheek and mustache region