

Is the nucleolus found in bacteria?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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No it is not found. It is only in eukariya

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Q: Is the nucleolus found in bacteria?
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Is a nucleolus found in bacteria cells?

Bacteria does not have a nucleus. The DNA material in not enclosed by a membrane, but is rather free floating in the bacteria cell but is refereed to as a nucleoid region. While I am unsure if bacteria have a nucleolus, I do know that bacteria do have ribosome which are produced by the nucleolus. Hope this leads you in the right direction. YES. because bacteria cells do have ribosomes and the nucleolus produces them.

Is a nucleolus found in a animal cell or a plant cell?

both not in some bacteria cells

Where is the nucleolus found what does it produce?

The nucleolus is found inside the nucleus, and it makes ribosomes.

What dose nucleolus do in a cell?

The nucleolus is a small body in thenucleus that helps fight bacteria.

What contains one cell but do not contain a nucleolus?


What is a organism that contains one cell but no nucleolus?


Is nucleolus a plant?

No, the nucleolus is not a plant itself. It is a structure found within the cell nucleus of eukaryotic cells, including plant cells, and is involved in the production of ribosomes.

Found in the nucleus produces ribosomes and RNA?

the nucleolus

Is the nucleolus found in plant and animals cells?

The nucleolus if found in both animal and plant cells.

What can be found in the nucleolus?

I had this doubt too, and from what I've found around the web, DNA is not the major component inside the nucleolus. The major components of the nucleolus are rRNA and proteins.Hope it helped.

In what part of the cell would you find the nucleolus?

The nucleolus is found within the nucleus.

Where is the nucleolus found and what does it do?

The nucleolus is in the nucleus of a cell and it is responsible for synthesizing ribosomal RNA.