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Q: What is a organism that contains one cell but no nucleolus?
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What contains one cell but do not contain a nucleolus?


What are the purpose of nucleolus?

Main one is to manufacture ribosomes. Also has a storing function

What is an organism that contains more than one cell?

multicellular organism

Is a bee a single celled organism?

No it is a multi-celled organism. It contains more than one cell.

What is an organism that contains more than one cell called?

multicellular organism such as human animal and other

Why does the sperm have half a nucleolus?

because when the sperm and egg meet they make one hole nucleolus. the sperm and egg have half a nucleolus and they are the only cell in the world to have only half a nucleolus.

Can a cell only have one nucleolus?

Most cells have only one nucleolus however there are exceptions.very long nerve cells.certain flat worm species have large amoebae like cells with more than one nucleolusthe slime molds have multi-nucleated cells.

What is a uniceller organism?

A unicellular organism is one that only contains one cell and is very small in size, therefore being very simple. There also known as prokaryotes, they do not have a nucleus.

What makes up a nucleas?

A cell nucleus contains DNA and at least one nucleolus. During interphase, the DNA is in the form of chromatin, in which the individual chromosomes are not visible. While the cell is actively undergoing mitosis, the nuclear membrane disassembles and the DNA is visible as chromosomes and the nucleolus disassembles. Once mitosis is finished, the cell cytoplasm divides, and the nucleus and nucleolus reform, and the two new cells return to interphase, and the DNA is once again in the form of chromatin.

What is an organism is made up of only one cell?

An organism that is only made up of one cell is a unicellular organism. Uni- meaning one. An organism with more than one cell is a multicellular organism, such as humans. An example of a unicellular organism is bacterium.

What does the nucleolus in a cell organelle do?

The nucleolus is a structure within the nucleus of Eukaryotic cells that is involved in the production of ribosomes, can be more than one in a nucleus

Is an organism with one cell called multi-cellular?

No, an organism with one cell is uni-cellular.