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No. It is based on earlier symbols of supplication, and intentionally a combined semaphore for the letters ND, used first as a symbol of Nuclear Disarmament in 1958.

Some have suggested that it is a cross with the arms bent downward (symbolically putting down Christianity and Jesus). However, this is a subjective interpretation. It has been variously denounced as Nazi, Satanist, or communist.

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Q: Is the peace sign a demonic symbol?
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What does a peace sign without the center line mean?

The peace sign with the middle line was originally used in satanic rituals where they broke the sides and made it into a broken cross to renounce Jesus. The original peace sign was an upside down Y, but later got changed to that of the symbol of satanists renouncing Jesus, not sure why. But either way, one needs to be careful of the symbol because the new one could be taken the wrong way. That and the symbol of the "new" peace sign has a demonic force behind it whether one knows it or not. I think it was just a trick by the devil in general because using that symbol , without knowing it, you are renouncing Jesus. The original is the true peace sign.

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The peace sign.

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No, it isn't

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No, it isn't

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The most famous symbol of peace is the dove and olive branch; it is the oldest peace symbol known. Another peach symbol is the V sign hand gesture to indicate peace.

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No, the peace sign is a SYMBOL. Which are obviously different. :)

What does the peace sighn mean?

The peace sign, also known as the peace symbol, was created in the 1950s as a symbol of peace and nuclear disarmament. It has since become widely recognized as a symbol of non-violence, anti-war movements, and unity.

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two fingers up like peace sign

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Copy and paste this symbol: ☮

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No. It is a pirate symbol. It does not represent demons...unless they are demonic pirates.

Did john Lennon know sign language?

He was known to make the "peace symbol".