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Also known as the Cross of Nero. Many people are not aware of the origins of this symbol or how it became to symbolize peace. This is the cross of Nero, a broken and inverted cross, enclosed in a circle which represents Nero's vision.

Actually NO

The internationally recognized symbol for peace was originally designed for the British nuclear disarmament movement by Gerald Holtom in 1958

Nero's cross was a circle with an X, The crucifix cross during those times were not symbolic or sacred to Christians but seen as a method of punishments or torture and the way Christ was put to death. Common sense tells you that it was more feared than holy. Not till the 2nd century did the cross become something of a symbol or seal but not something that could be used by Nero to mock. The Bible does not even mention the cross as a symbol.

Sorry, but that is not Nero's cross. There is no artifact that depicts a circle with an upside down broken cross anywhere in history till Christians created this myth in the early 70's

Read more about The origin of the Peace Symbol: see related links

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Q: Is the peace symbol a satanic symbol?
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The Peace Sign is not Satanic. It came into existence when G Holton designed it for use by Bertrand Russel. It was first used in an anti-nuclear protest in Britain in 1958.

Is a circle with an x through it a satnic symbol?

No, a circle with an x through it is not a satanic symbol. It is a common symbol used to indicate that something is prohibited or not allowed. Satanic symbols typically involve pentagrams, inverted crosses, or other imagery associated with Satanism.

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What does a peace sign without the center line mean?

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