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Your question is based upon the formalism of Freudian psychoanalytical theory, and you should bear in mind that even though Freud made very important progress in the study of human psychology, his theories are no longer taken literally by psychologists. It would be more accurate to say that people develop such moral consciences as they may have (if they do not become narcissists with no conscience) in childhood.

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Q: Is the phallic stage when moral conscience formed?
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In which Freudian stage does the Oedipus complex happen?

The phallic stage, age 3 to 6 years.

Which Freudian stage describes the Oedipus and Electra complexes?

The phallic stage, age 3 to 6 years.

Sigmund Freud-What is the relationship between phallic stage and religion?

According to Freud, during the phallic stage of psychosexual development, children experience the Oedipus complex, which involves feelings of rivalry and jealousy towards the same-sex parent and desires for the opposite-sex parent. Freud suggested that religion could be a way to resolve these conflicting emotions by providing a sense of spiritual connection and guidance. Overall, Freud believed that religion could offer a way for individuals to cope with the unresolved conflicts from their early childhood development.

What stage of moral development is Ted Bundy in?

Currently Bundy is in no stage of development or anything else. He was executed January 24, 1989. While he was alive, though, he had relatively no moral development at all. As is true of many people with APD (anti-social personality disorder) they don't possess a conscience which means they are completely devoid of any moral issue.

What stage do boys desire their mothers according to Freud?

According to Freud's psychosexual development theory, boys experience the Oedipus complex during the phallic stage (ages 3-6). During this stage, boys desire their mothers and view their fathers as rivals for their mother's affection.

What are the stages of psychosexual development?

Stage 1- oral stage stage 2- anal stage Stage 3- phallic stage Stage 4- Latency stage Stage 5- Genital stage

Psycho sexual stages in their correct order?

Oral stage, birth to one year. Anal stage, 1 to 3 years. Phallic stage, 3 to 6 years. Latent stage, 6 to puberty. Genital stage, puberty to death.

Which is the correct order of phases in the sexual response cycle?

Oral stage, birth to one year. Anal stage, 1 to 3 years. Phallic stage, 3 to 6 years. Latent stage, 6 to puberty. Genital stage, puberty to death.

What is Sigmund Freuds psychosexual stages of human development?

Oral stage, birth to one year. Anal stage, 1 to 3 years. Phallic stage, 3 to 6 years. Latent stage, 6 to puberty. Genital stage, puberty to death.

What is the psychosexual stages based in McGee and Giddens?

Oral Stage 0-1yrs old Anal Stage 1-3 yrs old Phallic Stage 3-6 yrs old Latency Stage 6-adolescence Genital Stage adolescence-genital

What are the descriptions of freud's 5 stages?

Freud's 5 stages of psychosexual development are: 1) Oral stage - focused on pleasure from oral activities, like sucking; 2) Anal stage - focused on pleasure from bowel movements and control; 3) Phallic stage - focused on pleasure from genitalia, leading to Oedipus and Electra complexes; 4) Latency stage - sexual impulses are dormant; 5) Genital stage - focuses on mature sexual relationships.

What is the complexity?

its a situation occurring in the phallic stage in which a child develops a sexual attraction to the opposite-sex parent and jealousy of the same-sex parent