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New York is a blue state, which means that the majority of its residents vote Democratic and consider themselves liberals. But there are also a significant number of conservative, Republican voters. For example, in the last presidential election, approximately 80% of the votes were for Obama (if I remember correctly), and in the election before that, 75% of the votes were for Kerry.

For the most part, the liberals live in and around New York City, and the conservatives live in upstate New York. But that is only a generalization. There are conservatives in New York City. They are the minority, but they are there and they are voting.

New York City was not always so liberal. For example, during the Revolutionary War, a large portion of New Yorkers were Loyalists (sided with the British). And during the Civil War, New York City almost seceded with the South!

New York City's industry depended upon cotton that was produced in the South. Slaves grew and picked the cotton, and then it was shipped up to New York, where factory workers (who were treated not much better than slaves) made the cotton into clothing and other things. If the South lost its slaves, New York City's industry would be severly impacted, and so a great many New Yorkers were against abolition.

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