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What you are asking requires a rather subjective answer; that is people's opinions. To be objective you would have to consider the facts, and facts are not something that come easily to religion v. Atheism debates.

In the opinion of a religion: It is not "controlling" people, it is showing people the right path and showing them what not to do.

In the opinion of atheism:Religions do indeed use fear to control the masses, religion is a scam and doesn't have a use in our modern day scientific society.

My opinion: People can choose to believe what ever they want, it is their mind. Other people do not have the right to infringe upon other's free will.

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Q: Is the problem with religion not that the beliefs are crazy cause crazy can be crazy and not affect anyone but that religion uses its crazy to control people with fear hate etc?
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If they wear special clothing required by their religion. If their religious beliefs affect their diet. If they regularly attend religious services. If they reject scientific facts that conflict with the tenets of their religion. If their religious beliefs prevent them from socializing with anyone who is not a member of their religion. These are characteristics of someone whom most would classify as "religious."

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Why does religion affect everyone?

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