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Q: Is the reason that there are no useful answers on this website because the people that answer them don't know what they are talking about?
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Why does this website give wrong answers?

This website gives the wrong answers because it runs on peoples information and ther are people that don't know what the hell their talking about!

Is the reason that there are there no useful answers on this website because the people that answer them don't know what they are talking about?

there are useful answers on this site, just some people use this to post the wrong information.

Why do people want answers from strangers on this website?

well because this website has very good answers

Why is this website a site?

because people have questions, and we have answers.

Why are people on this website so strange?

Because they are desperate for ANSWERS...

Who are the ID people on this website?

Because they aren't members of WIKI ANSWERS

Why are there so many question on this website?

because people have questions and this is a website that u can use to find out your answers!

Does this work really?

If you are talking about this website then well 90% of this website tell the correct answers but some people like to troll other and put the wrong answer deliberately .

Why doesn't give stright answers or no answers at all?

Because some the people who answer the questions don't know what they are talking about :P

Is there any celebrities named Netta?

Possibly, don't look it up on answers because this is a website where people who don't own the website give answers which could also be fake answers....

Why do people use this website when half of the time it doesnt answer your question?

People use this website even when half of the time it doesn't answer your question, because some of the questions people ask, the answer will be there, but some of answers won't be there, because people have a chance to improve answers, but put the wrong answer.

Why do I have to enter a question on this website?

Because this is a website that answers questions for people who need them ---- You don't HAVE to. Only questions you have no idea what the answer is.