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yes but first you must puncture it with a pin of toothpick then it will be fine

you normally grow a few inches too

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Q: Is the release of sperm helps in the growth of boys?
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Does boys have sperm on their under wear?

does boys have sperm in their underwear

During puberty how are boys supposed to release sperm to prevent wet dreams?

but just nutting

Can boys release sperm every two days?

Yes they can. In fact - we release sperm a few times a day ! The testes can only hold so much, and since sperm are produced continually, any 'excess' is released when we urinate.

What stops growth of height in boys?

Smoking, any type of drug really and masturbating, because you throw out sperm and also vitamins needed for bones

Does a boys penis release sperm in the night?

If he has reached Puberty and has a wet dream (nocturnal emission), he will ejaculate in the night !

How does play assist in a 7 year old boys growing development?

playing outside greatly helps out 7 year olds cause exercise helps in body growth and development

When do boys sperm?

When they masturbate or have sex. Gay sex is easier for buys to create sperm.

How effective are growth charts for boys?

Growth charts for boys are very effective because boys grow rapidly, so you will be able to easily record his growth through the years as he grows up.

Do boys Reagan sperm?

Yes, the male body produce new sperm constantly and reuses the unused sperm as nutrients.

What is boy sperm called?

Boys sperm is called semen. :)

How does girl sperm taste like?

Women/ girls don't have sperm. Only men/ boys do.

Do boys have many sperm cells more than girls?

women do not have sperm cellsANSWERwomen have egg cells. men have sperm cells