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The body should be bilaterally symmetric, meaning that it should be approximately the same on both sides.

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Q: Is the right side of the body bigger than the left side of the body?
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Which side of the heart is larger?

the right side is bigger because it has to pump blood to the whole body

What is it called when the left side of your heart is bigger than the right?

Considering this is how the heart is for everyone, there is no name for it. Your left side is bigger because it pumps blood through your body while the right side just fills with blood.

What part of the body does the right side of the brain control?

The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, and the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body.

Left side of the brain controlls what?

The left side of ur body controls ur vision.

Why is the left side of a heart bigger than the other side?

Its not. The heart is located in the center of the thorax directly behind the sternum. the reason it is often though to be on the left hand side is that the left ventricle is considerably bigger than the right and so sits a little further to the left than the right does to the right.

What is dextrocardia?

its when the heart is on the right side of the body and not on the left its when the heart is on the right side of the body and not on the left

The left side of your brain controls what part of the body?

Your two hemispheres of the brain control movements on the opposite sides of your body. Your right somatic cortex controls your left side and your left somatic cortex controls your right side.

Does the right half of the cerebrum controls the right side of the body?

The left side of the body. And vice versa.

What does the left side of your brain controll?

The vision side of your brain is the left side. It also controls the right side of your body.

Which hemisphere controls the right side of the body?

Neurons cross from the right side to the left, as do neurons cross from the left to the right, meaning your right side of your brain controls your left, and your left controls your right side.

Which side of the side is bigger and why?

the left side has to pump blood to the rest of the body

Why is it that the right side of the LUNGS is bigger than left side?

Its bigger because the right lung has more lobs then the left lung.