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yes it it.....i have proof from my science book from my school. also this rock is formed from existing rocks that is changed by heat, preasure or chemical reactions. also another example of an metamorphic rock is a soap stone which have mostly a gray or black or both color to it.

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Q: Is the rock Hornfels a Metamorphic rock?
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What type of rock is hornfels?


What metamorphic rock is formed from greywacke?

Hornfels or gneiss are possible metamorphic rock with a greywacke protolith.

What are four examples of metamorphic rock?

Slate, hornfels, schist, gneiss.

What are the characteristics of Hornfels?

Hornfels is a type of rock that is metamorphic. They usually have bands and fine grain, and can come in different colors, such as light gray and dark gray.

What are common uses of hornfels rock?

Hornfels may be used during construction projects or in the building of roadways. They may also be used as whetstones.

What process forms hornfels?

Hornfels is formed when mudstone or shale come in contact with a hot igneous body and metamorphic rock. This process is called contact metamorphism.

What is a non-foliated contact metamorphic rock called?

A non-foliated contact metamorphic rock is called a hornfels. Hornfels is called so because of its exceptional toughness and texture both reminiscent of animal horns.

What is hornfels made of?

Hornfels is a metamorphic rock formed by the contact between mudstone / shale, or other clay-rich rock, and a hot igneous body, and represents a heat-altered equivalent of the original rock. This process is termed contact metamorphism. Because pressure is not a factor in the formation of hornfels, it lacks the foliation seen in many metamorphic rocks formed under high pressure and temperature regimes. Pre-existing bedding and structure of the parent rock is generally destroyed during the formation of hornfels.

What is made from hornfels?

hornfels is a rock or mineral

Slate schist genisis and hornfels are rocks?

They are all metamorphic rocks.

3 metamorphic rocks?

Slate, gneiss, skarn, phyllite, hornfels, amphibolite, schist, quartzite, marble, and granulite are all metamorphic rocks.

Where are hornfels the rock found?

it is found in Mexico