

Is the safest place in a tornado under water?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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no, the safest place is a basement.

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Q: Is the safest place in a tornado under water?
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There is no such thing. A vortex that develops in water and may bear some visual resemblance to a tornado is called a whirlpool.

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No. A whirlpool is simply a vortex in water. A tornado is a very specific kind of vortex that by definition take place in air.

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There are water droplets in a tornadoes, which move with the wind. Tornadoes on water pick up some spray, as well. In such instances the water can bugle up a little under the tornado, especially on small lakes and ponds.

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Yes this can be a project because of the water tornado is a mini tornado.

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The rules of tornado safety are to get to low ground if you live in a mobile home get out and go to a safer place. If you don't have a basement then get under a sturdy piece of furniture like a table or under a mattress. If you have a basement go down ,but make sure that you have a good supply of food and water. Get out of cars, and stay inside.

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The safest place for data storage is in a cool room that doesn't get water or dusty. The area should be locked and access should be limited to only those who need to be there. For backup storage, off-site is safest in case something happened to your primary information.

Where is the safest place in your house to be in during a tornado?

Generally speaking, you want to be as low to the ground as possible during severe tornado conditions. A basement is ideal, as particularly powerful tornadoes can tear buildings apart. If you don’t have access to an underground space, being near the center of the building is the next best plan, staying away from any windows, as flying debris is one of the greatest dangers during these storms. If your interior bathroom has a bathtub, that can also be a sturdy place to stay safe.

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A tornado cannot actually be made of water. A tornado can occur on water and suck water into it, but it will still be mostly made of air.