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Generally speaking, you want to be as low to the ground as possible during severe tornado conditions. A basement is ideal, as particularly powerful tornadoes can tear buildings apart. If you don’t have access to an underground space, being near the center of the building is the next best plan, staying away from any windows, as flying debris is one of the greatest dangers during these storms. If your interior bathroom has a bathtub, that can also be a sturdy place to stay safe.

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Kevin Stringer

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4y ago
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Pat Sarver

Lvl 2
4y ago

all the answers here were mostly correct but there is one that is an absolute NO and dangerous;not uncommon though. DO NOT GO INTO A FREEWAY UNDERPASS.Worst place possible .It INCREASES the wind speed of the tornado. Yes,ppl have survived there but not because it is safe. It was probably due to the tornado going in a different direction or not being close enough at the time.

Go to the Weather Channel website. They have the best information you can get re tornadoes. Another way to be safe is to be WEATHER AWARE.i noticed a long time ago with these tornadoes is that the greatest danger is people being caught off guard. Be WEATHER AWARE. I go to the Storm Prediction Center and look at Convection reports. It's a darned reliable site to get weather conditions and what MIGHT be coming. Keep in mind that they can read the tea leaves so to speak but it's still not an exact science. However, it's as accurate as you will ever get.Better when they are wrong but they are not always going to be wrong if weather conditions hold. If you're a day ahead of what might be coming you're better off than finding out when the sirens are going. i watch people driving around in cars as a tornado is approaching and wonder why they are even out and about. Take it seriously. Have a PLAN. In fact put your plan into place while there is a watch and there's time. Once it's a warning-meaning torando on ground-you probably have seconds. In a mobile home-go to a shelter BEFORE it gets to a warning. In a car-better off not driving around but if you're caught,get out and seek shelter of some kind.

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4y ago

Of course, the safest place to be when a tornado approaches is in a basement or storm shelter underground. But if you are not able to get to a shelter or basement, you need to find shelter that is available. If you have a cellar, storm shelter, safe room or basement available, go immediately to that area.

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Aairah Baig

Lvl 2
4y ago

When there is a tornado, the main priority is to get AWAY from where you are right now, especially if it's a major tornado. Try and stay in low grounds, like in a basement or a tunnel or something like that. If you are in a building with a tornado-safe room, or your house has one, then you should take shelter in there. Usually, these areas are like the bathroom or closet in your house, but in other places, like some hall or theatre, there would usually be a metal sign by the door which would say TORNADO ROOM. Try and find that room to get into. If there is a tornado coming, first pack all your things. But don't forget to bring everyone with you, even your pets! Stay safe!

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11y ago

The safest place to hide during a tornado is in a basement or den. If you don't have one of those, hide in the bath tub in the bathroom or hide in a closet.

Why is the bath tub the safest place to be during a tornado answer my question?
-- the southwest corner is the worst place to be in the basement, studies have shown. The best advice you can get is to be "as low into the ground you can go, and as many walls away from the tornado as possible." Get to the center, under i-beams, inside solid walls - stuff with structure that will help hold things up when it all comes tumbling down. Get a workbench or sturdy piece of furniture, and put yourself under it. Throw a mattress and blanket over you to protect from flying debris.

Get portable water and keep it with you, in case it takes a few hours for you to be dug out by rescue personnel. A radio would help. Flashlight.

Just remember "the more walls, the more chances." That's why alot of pictures you'll see just a bathroom left standing. The walls act as a buffer, the piping and Plumbing help "cage" it.

Get yourself safe, and under something sturdy in case things come falling down. Something to cover you to protect from flying projectiles.

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1mo ago

The safest place to be during a tornado is typically in a basement or an interior room on the lowest level of your home, away from windows. If you don't have a basement, a small windowless interior room such as a bathroom or closet can also provide a safe shelter. Be sure to cover yourself with blankets or a mattress for added protection.

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Henry Middleton

Lvl 2
4y ago

Yes if u are inland you should probably evacuate to a basement or a bath tub, but if you are getting hit by a category 3 or above and live near the sea or on the coast do not go in a basement or below ground because strong winds cause a storm surge which will lead to dangerous flooding and ur basement will be the first thing to fill up

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10y ago

personally think the basement is the best place because it is underground so it is safest, or the cellar is a good place to hide in as well so I believe these are the most safest place to be in. Don't hide anywhere else these are the safest place to hide in i believe.

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Sabrina Autedo

Lvl 2
4y ago

The safest place to go guring a tornado is a bathtab, a basement, under a table. Hope this help.

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Q: Where is the safest place in your house to be in during a tornado?
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Where is the safest place in a home during a tornado if you do have a basement?

The safest place in a home during a tornado, if you do not have a basement, is an interior room on the lowest floor, away from windows. This could be a bathroom, closet, or hallway. Make sure to cover yourself with a mattress or heavy blankets to protect against flying debris.

What is the safest thing to do if your caught outdoors during a tornado?

The safest thing to do if you are caught outdoors during a tornado is to seek shelter immediately in a sturdy building. If there is no building nearby, lie flat in a low-lying area, cover your head with your hands, and be aware of flying debris. Do not try to outrun a tornado in a vehicle or on foot.

Where do you go during a tornado if you have no basement and you live in a trailer?

If you live in a trailer with no basement, the safest place to go during a tornado is a designated storm shelter or a nearby sturdy building. If neither are available, seek shelter in a low-lying area such as a ditch and cover your head to protect yourself from flying debris. It's important to have a plan in place and know the safest options before a tornado occurs.

Where do you go during a tornado if you don't have a basement?

If you don't have a basement during a tornado, seek shelter in an interior room on the lowest level of your home, such as a bathroom or closet. Stay away from windows and protect yourself with heavy furniture or mattresses. If possible, consider installing a tornado shelter or safe room for future storms.

What part of the basement is the safest place during a tornado?

The safest place in a basement during a tornado is an interior room or hallway on the lowest level, away from windows and exterior walls. Avoid areas with heavy objects that could fall and cause injury. If possible, seek shelter under a sturdy piece of furniture for extra protection.

Related questions

Where is the safest place to go at your house during a tornado?

The safest place to be in your house during a tornado is in the basement.

Where is the safest place to go if there is a tornado and you are at your house?

The safest place to be in your house during a tornado is in the basement.

Where is the Safest place during a tornado?

The safest place during a tornado is in a basement or similar underground shelter.

Where is the safest place in a bank during a tornado?

In a bank the safest place to be is in the vault.

Where is the safest place to be when a tornado is approaching?

The safest place to be is in the basement of a well-built house or building.

In a 2 story house should you go to the basement during a tornado?

Yes. The basement is the safest place to be.

What is tornado safety?

The safest place to be during a tornado is in a basement or cellar.

Where is the safest place to be during a tornado and why?

The safest place to be in a tornado is in an underground storm cellar. You are protect from the wind an debris by the ground itself, and there is not structure above you that might collapse.

Why is the bathroom the safest place to hide during a tornado?

The bathroom is typically considered a safer place during a tornado due to its location in the middle of the house with no windows, which reduces the risk of flying debris. Bathrooms often have sturdy plumbing that can provide extra structural support in case of a tornado. It is recommended to take shelter in a small windowless room on the lowest level of the house during a tornado.

Where is not the safest place in a home during a tornado if you do not have a basement?

The safest place in a house other than a basement is an interior room or hallway on the first floor with no windows. Bathroom and especially a bathtub often provide good shelter

Where is the safest place to go in a tornado?

The safest place in a tornado is a basement or underground storm shelter. If no underground shelter is available the best shelter is a central room away from windows on the lowest story of a house.

Is the safest place in a tornado under water?

no, the safest place is a basement.