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Yes the sensory receptor is the first element.

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Q: Is the sensory receptor the first element in the sensory pathway?
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Can a first order sensory neuron sometimes be a sensory receptor?

The first order sensory neuron can sometimes be a sensory receptor because it is what sends the signal to the brain from the receptor. The second order goes from the brainstem to the thalamus.

First order sensory neurons?

First order sensory neurons begin in the receptor, travel to dorsal/posterior gray horn of the spinal cord where they synapse with the second order sensory neurons.

How do sensory receptors work?

A receptor is generally a recognition molecule situated on the surface of a cell. A receptor is a molecule that is sensitive to a particular signal and is also able to transmit information to the nucleus in order to control gene regulation. In order for a receptor to function, it must first be activated. The binding of a ligand to the receptor places the receptor in the activated state. Once the receptor is activated, it is now able to transmit signal to the interior of the cell.

WhatConversion of a stimulus into a generator potential is?

Receptor potential, a type of graded potential, is the transmembrane potential difference of a sensory receptor. A receptor potential is often produced by sensory transduction. It is generally a depolarizing event resulting from inward current flow. The influx of current will often bring the membrane potential of the sensory receptor towards the threshold for triggering an action potential. A receptor potential is a form of graded potential, as is a generator potential. It arises when the receptors of a stimulus are separate cells. An example of this is in a taste bud, where taste is converted into an electrical signal sent to the brain. When stimulated the taste bud triggers the release of neurotransmitter through exocytosis of synaptic vesicles from the presynaptic membrane. The neurotransmitter molecules diffuse across the synaptic cleft to the postsynaptic membrane. A postsynaptic potential is then produced in the first order neuron, and if the stimulus is strong enough to reach threshold this may generate an action potential which may propagate along the axon into the central nervous system

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The first pathway of photosynthesis is the light reaction, which is the absorption of light energy from the sun by the chlorophyll in the plant. The pathway that follows this is the dark reaction or carbon fixation.

What is an example of sensory neurons?

An example of afferent neuron would be using a sense. In this case we will choose touch or feel. EX: Your Hammering the door and suddenly u smash a finger. First it started with a smash then that feeling passes through your sensory nerves which pass through your whole body ending at the brain which makes u feel pain. That is an afferent neuron experience.

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I- Olefactory (sensory): smell. II- Optic (sensory): vision.

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