

Is the shrew poisonous

Updated: 9/17/2023
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13y ago

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yes, yes it is. :)

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Q: Is the shrew poisonous
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Related questions

Is there a poisonous shrew?

Yes there is but not many there is a certain species that have it!

Who would win a fight African Lion or a giant killer shrew?

The shrew would win hands down, theyre poisonous and deadly fast

Is the platypus the only poisonous marsupial?

No, because the platypus is not a marsupial. A platypus is a monotreme (egg-laying mammal). It is not the only venomous mammal. "Venomous" is the correct term, rather than "poisonous", as things which are poisonous must be ingested, i.e. eaten or drunk. Other venomous marsupials include the Cuban solenodon, Eurasian Water Shrew, Northern Short-tailed Shrew and Southern Short-tailed Shrew, just to name a few.

What is an fact about a water shrew?

Water shrews are very elusive creatures, and are one of very few venomous mammals. Their saliva is poisonous to their prey, but not harmful to humans.

When a snake kills a shrew the shrew is the?

The shrew is the prey.

What is the name of a baby shrew?

There is no such thing. A baby shrew is called a baby shrew.

How do you make a shrew in alxemy game?

how do you make a shrew in alxemy

When a snake kills a shrew the shrew is called the what and the snake is the what?

The snake would be the predator and the shrew would be the prey

What is the name of the shrew in The Taming of the Shrew?


What animal classification is a shrew in?

A shrew belongs to the class Mammalia, which includes all mammals. Within this class, a shrew belongs to the order Eulipotyphla, which also includes moles and hedgehogs.

How much does a shrew weight?

Well, the house shrew is the biggest shrew, it weighs about 100 grams.

What is an Irish Shrew?

Species of shrew found in Ireland include:- The Pygmy shrew (Native) Common shrew (Native) The Greater white-toothed shrew (New discovery, believed to have been recently introduced).