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there is day(morning) when the earth is facing the sun and it is dark (night time) when the earth is facing the moon

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When earth faces away from the sun that side has?

As earth rotates the part that is facing the sun has day light.

Why do you have a day and night cycle?

The Reason for a cycle of day and night is all based on the rotation of the earth. During the day, the part of the earth where you are located is facing the sun, and during the night, the part of the earth where you are located is facing away from the sun.

When does day and night happen?

Because the part of the Earth you are on is not facing the Sun at that time. The earth is continuously rotating, so at any time, part of the Earth is facing the Sun and part is facing away from it. The part facing it is getting lots of light, so it is day time and the part facing away gets less light, so you have darkness and it is night time.

Do stars leave during the day?

No they don't. The stars are always there in the sky. The earth turns one full rotation in 24 hours. During the day, our side of the earth is facing towards the sun (which is a star itself). During the night, our side of the earth is facing away from the sky out into space, where all the stars are. So the stars never go away, it is only the earth spinning around.

Why you can see the sun during day time?

Because the sun is on the same side of the earth as you are.

When its night time is the earth facing the sun or facing away from the sun?

It is night in the hemisphere facing away from the Sun.

How does day and night?

Day and night occur because the earth rotates around its axis once every 24 hours. During each rotation the part of the earth facing the sun receives the light from the sun, and this is called day. The side facing away from the sun is cast in shadow and this is called night.

How can it be light in one city and dark in another?

becuause one city is afacing away from the sun meaning it cant get light and so it is dark, meanwhille the other city is facing the sun so is light. The earth spins round once every 24 hours so evry city will be dark and light once a day-a time facing towards the sun and a time facing away from the sun :-) kind okf confussing but that is how it is... becuause one city is afacing away from the sun meaning it cant get light and so it is dark, meanwhille the other city is facing the sun so is light. The earth spins round once every 24 hours so evry city will be dark and light once a day-a time facing towards the sun and a time facing away from the sun :-) kind okf confussing but that is how it is...

Why do we have day and night and how often?

The earth is move around everyday and the other side of the earth is facing away from the light so we have night if we have light from the sun we have day. Day happen everyday and so does night.

When your part of earth is facing away from the sun it is?

? what if if its facing away from the sun it would be night if that is what u asked

Is the half of earth where its nighttime facing toward the sun or away?


What is day and night and why does it occur?

Day occurs when that portion of the earth is facing the sun, night occurs when that portion is facing away. This is also why it is warm during the day and cool at night.