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No. In terms of diameter Sirius is 1.7 times the size of the sun.

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Q: Is the sirius star 10 times bigger then the sun?
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Is Sirius brighter than the sun?

Yes it is much bigger.Probably 5 suns can fit in sirius.Not only is sirius bigger but it is much hotter as well.

Is sirius bigger than earth?

Yes. Sirius actually consists of two stars. The main object, Sirius A is not only bigger than Earth but is almost twice the diameter of the sun. The secondary star, Sirius B is a collapsed remnant of a star called a white dwarf. It is slightly smaller than Earth but far denser.

Is Sirius A considered a supergiant?

No. The diameter of Sirius A is about 1.7 times that of the sun. To be considered a supergiant a star must be at least 100 times the diameter of the sun.

Can we find sirius star in our solar system?

Our solar system is centred round the Sun, which is our own star, while Sirius is a nearby star that is bigger and brighter than the Sun but a lot further away. Sirius can be found near the constellation of Orion, to the lower left of it when viewed from USA or Europe. It is the brightest of all the stars, but the planets Venus and Jupiter can be brighter at times.

What size is the star Sirius?

Sirius is a double star; the larger of the pair is twice the mass of the Sun and about 1.7 times the Sun's radius. So it would be about 740,000 miles radius.. and would be about five times the Sun's volume.

How many times is the gamma star bigger than the sun?

the gamma star is about 4000 times bigger than the sun

What is Sirius's absolute diameter?

well the reason is that the sirius is the north brightest star also it is approximately 1.7 times larger than our sun on the hand the sun has a diameter of 1,393,000km as we know the Sirius is a white dwarf star

Are there are star bigger than the earth?

Yes the sun is one of the stars bigger than earth so is Sirius,Pollux and Arcturus

Star that is bigger than the sun and the earth?

The stars that are bigger than the sun and earth are the stars that are bigger than the sun and those stars are Sirius,Pollux and Arcturus

Is Sirius a low mass star?

It is, but at twice our suns mass, Sirius A is on the limit, of being an intimidate mass star. Sirius A will have a life cycle similar to that of our own star which is a low mass star, but burns hotter. Sirius B is a companion white dwarf star with a mass of around the same as our sun. Previously, it was thought to have been a star with a mass of around 5 times that of our sun, burning out more quickly than Sirius A.

Which is the brightest star after sun?


Is the star Sirius larger than earths orbit around the sun?

No. Sirius is a binary star system. The main body, Sirius A is a white star about 1.7 times the diameter of the sun and would easily fit inside the orbit of Mercury. The secondary body, Sirius B is a white dwarf that is slightly smaller than Earth, though possessing about the same mass as the sun.