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The skeleto-muscular system is the set of organs including the bones, the skeletal muscles, and the associated tendons and ligaments. The cat's skeleton (the bones) are part of the skeleto-muscular system.

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Q: Is the skeletal musculature system in the cats skeleton?
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Do cats have a hard skeleton?

Of course.

Can a cat hop spring and leap?

Of course. Cats have an almost ideal musculature for all those sorts of activities.

Is the cats skeleton always the same?

Yes stupid

Why don't cats have backbones?

Cats DO have backbones! Cats are vertebrates, and like all vertebrates, they have an internal skeleton which includes the spinal column.

What type of skeleton does snail have?

Most crustaceans have exoskeletons The skeleton is on the outside:)

Does a kitten have a backbone?

Yes of course! Cats are vertebrates, which means they have an internal skeleton.

How many guts are in a cats skeleton?

If by "guts" you mean gastrointestinal tract, then the answer is one. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is composted of the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus, and several accessory organs to aid in digestion.

Do humans have a skeleton?

Yes, we do since we are vertebrates. Cats, dogs, horses, cows, pigs, deer and many other belong in this major group.

What skeleton contains the head neck and spine?

Humans, cats, dogs, hamsters, armadillo, birds, tigers, crocodiles, a lot of mammals( i think all of them), etc -------------------------- Generically a vertebrate's skeleton.

Reasons why a cat is diffrerent than a fly?

Cats are land mammals that give birth to live young, have a covering of fur and as they are vertebrates, they have a skeletal system. Cats are also obligate carnivores that hunt for their prey. Flies are insects. Insects are invertebrates, so have no skeletal system and have tough skin/outer casing that protects them instead. Flies, like all insects, lay eggs. Flies also have wings, that cats do not have. A fly can and will eat most things, from fruit to rotting meat to other animal's excretions. However, probably the only similarity a fly has to a cat is they both spend many hours of the day cleaning themselves.

Do you think the needs of different animals determine the shape of their skeletons?

Yes it does. Cats have their slim skeleton for jumping and running while turtles have a short and fat skeleton because all they need to do is swim.

What kind of animal have internal skeleton?

they would be called mamals, examples: humans,cats,dogs,horses,and pigs