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Q: Is the smell of tar dangerous?
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Is the smell of tar harmful?


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Describe the smell of fresh tar?

Warm, oily and strong smell

What does tar look like?

its like a black blob

What does tar smell like?

your mom's sloppy vajayjay

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What does fresh tar smell like?

your mom's sloppy vajayjay

Why do people crave the smell of plastic latex or rubber Is smelling latex dangerous?

* We have five senses ... sight, audio (hearing), smell and taste and touch. Many people like the smell of certain things and it doesn't mean they need to run off and see a therapist. As a kid I use to like the smell of tar or gasoline. Now, I can't stand the smell of either odor. There is no particular reason why a person enjoys a certain smell (it's the brain and we know so little about it) and unless allergic to latex it's not dangerous to your health.

Is old urine smell dangerous to humans?

The smell is not dangerous - however, if there is still a smell, there could still be urine, which could cause diseases and infections if you come in contact with it.

Is lime dangerous to smell?

Lime is not dangerous to smell in small amounts. Lime can harm the skin if touched and cause problems if ingested.

Is there a good way to get rid of moles when you have dogs in the same area?

Dip an ear of corn in roofing tar and place it in the animals' tunnel. They do not like the smell of tar one bit. You can get the tar at a roofing supply store.

Why is it dangerous if you smell to much petrol?

because It is